Went through the 80-100 instance for the second time last night. Died twice... thanks to stats I was essentially the #2 target for creatures, and of course I died when the #1 target was dissed to regain mana.
The first time I just didn't heal fast enough. The second... was a "Doh!" moment. I did hit the Restore spell on time, but I didn't realise I had run out of HEs.
That last was on the final creature when he was only 2k health or so away from dying. Just a few more HEs and I would have survived that time. Grr...
Drops were not impressive either. gc + 2 bronze swords + dragon blade. My share certainly didn't cover two lost bricks.
Ah well, I do those mostly for fun, even if it is a bit costly thus far, heh.
Future Plans* Instances: Hopefully I'll get at least 1 more in before I cross the "too high a/d for it" barrier. After that, won't see another one for quite a while.
* General: Trying to put some more focus on being more of an all-rounder. That is, focusing at least occasionally on the skills I've been either ignoring or not working on at all. Recently got levels in several of those skills, and that's a start. Hoping to continue it.
* Manufacturing: Been looking at my manu-ing future of late, specifically what can I do at this point with manu 64, and options in how to afford to start getting more levels in this again. Thoughts of sitting at Trik making helms repeatedly at these levels are... not very pleasing to think of. I'd prefer finding other ways to afford buying leather/thread and hitting the manu school instead. For now, my only manu-ing has been making the S2Es for my nexus purchases, which isn't exactly getting the levels done.
Need to get some more manu books read. As well, buy some nexus. Nexus for manufacturing will be the next buys after I get Animal 5, which I'm working on S2Es for now.
* Crafting: Still having a hard time getting into this as much as I'd like. So it's a slow process. But I get a level occasionally so it's not dead.
* Ranging: Honestly, except for occasionally taking advantage of a double exp ranging on rare occasion, and occasional use in invasions, this is pretty much on hold for the time being. Can't really afford the gc sink for now like I used to since I'm working on buying nexus, so it's very limited. I do have plans to kick this into high gear at a later date though. Including getting all 60 possible Archery AP potions to eventually be an ass-kicking ranger. Meanwhile, being in the top 30 works for me. ;)
* Engineering: Slow ride. Working on it occasionally. I eventually plan to drop the Potion goddess and replace her with the Engineering god. After which this will become a more priority skill. I just haven't decided when to drop the pot goddess yet. Plus I need to work on the necessities for the Eng god quests. That alone will take a while with my current gc state.
* Tailoring: Another slow ride. No god(dess) to speak of. Takes a load of time and patience to get a level due to the amount of flower ings, and saltpetre issues. I'll be happy just to get in the top 50 which is sadly not that far off. Sadly because the skill is in such a poor state that the barrier for being in the top 50 is incredibly low. I'm only level 29 now and top 50 is only a few levels away. That's not even rec level to make anything outside of fabrics. Shame this skill is so badly implemented. Though, I got no idea how it could be fixed to be more useful.
* Alchemy: With 3.2 million experience needed for a level at this point, I'm not exactly power-leveling this anymore. However, I do on occasion go and mix magic essies to work on it. However most of the leveling on this is done just through necessity. Mixing HEs, EnEs, and Matter essies for necessity (restore, teleporting), and of course mixing the bars for S2Es to buy nexus, and silver medallions.
I will need to eventually drop the alch goddess again, as my attack level is going to need some help in the future and those gods are enemies. But not while I'm heavy into buying nexus and making so many bars, heh.
* Potioning: Only about 10k BRs away from potion 100 now! So close to being my second 100+ skill. Trying not to think of that as I try to work on other skills at the same time. But I expect I'll hit that mark in the next few days.
The future for potting? As mentioned, I plan to drop the goddess, just dunno when. A pot level of 103 would make me a top 10 potter, and 105-106 or so would probably keep me in the top 10 for a good while. So maybe when I hit around 106 I'll drop her.
* Attack/Defense: As mentioned, I hope to get at least one more 80-100 instance in before I get too high for it, so I'm low-prioritizing these for the moment. Once that's done though, I'll probably go at it a lot more frequently. The OA experience is too good to pass up doing this for long, and OA 141 is my golden number as it'll put me at 48/48 p/c with pickpoints. Need that for the extreme amount of harving I do, not for a/d training... my a/d may be getting up there, but I still don't consider myself a fighter.
* Harvesting: Really not working on leveling this anymore. I try to hit ogre toes and white chans when I can, but mainly for use in potioning school, not harv leveling. I get some turquoise experience on those occasional engineer-level trips. But mostly I just get experience on whatever I happen to be harving, and haven't been going out of my way to get the hourly experience.
I do want to hit harv 100 so I can get my own dung better, but really not in a rush. It'll happen eventually. I expect harvesting to be my fifth 100+ skill. (Already done alch, potion will be next, then defense, then attack, then harv. I don't expect any other skill to catch up to those levels before harv hits 100.)
* Magic: While it's been almost exclusively just restores and portal room trips until now (with rare use of other spells), I've started to look at mana draining and getting this skill up some more.
Specifically, I'm thinking in conjunction with summoning. I got just one more nexus to buy before I can start summoning stones, and I'd really like to have a regular supply of bear furs for doing bear stones.
Mana drain the bear, kill (no weapon or armor needed, just an occasional restore, which means more magic exp), repeat.
It's a thought, and I'll be giving it a try soon. Meanwhile I've started doing occasional mana drains on large spiders in Naralik while harving flowers there, just for the extra bit of experience.
* Summoning: I plan to get more heavy into this very soon. I'm working on the S2Es to buy the Animal 5 nexus, which will allow me to start doing summon stones. Which will allow me to work on leveling this much better than the constant wolf/boar summoning the last few levels have been.
See how that goes... meanwhile I'm summoning on occasion just to get a few levels up so the fail rate won't be as painful when I start the stones. Yes, yes, a few levels over rec level doesn't give that much less fails, but every little bit helps when dealing with painful ingredients.
Well, I think that covers all the skills, heh. *phew*
Current PlansCurrently working on FEs for silver bars to get my next crafting level's worth of moon medallions. And that'll hopefully get my gc back up some more as well, having just replaced the 2 bricks I lost in last night's instance.
Other current plans are to continue working on S2Es for my next nexus, finish off Potion 100, and get Engineering 40. Interspersed with other necessities or "just for fun" stuff, of course.