Tuesday, April 2, 2013

All Skills 60+ and Then Some

It's been a long time since last update. I've been off quite a bit, more so than on. Despite that, in those on periods, managed to get a lot done.

The Fools of April

Well, most figured out quite quickly that my last post "selling" my Burn character was an April Fool's joke.

A few didn't... one started talking on 6 about it before realizing it wasn't real. A couple of offers sent my way... responded to simply with "What day is it?"

And a lot of interest... almost 200 hits on this blog yesterday, very much over the normal amount I get on a new post.

Seriously... it came with mod powers. Certainly that would be allowed. :-D

Mission accomplished. ;-)

Tit Serp of Joker

So there was a contest along with new Joker locations. A Thermal Serp in a hyperbag under one of the new Joker locations.

When first announced, I went Joker hunting a while, but to no avail and eventually had to go to bed.

The next day I'd given up on it as my time was limited. I went on a pear hunt, and lo and behold, there was Joker on the same map. I traded him, then went on to finish the pear hunt.

After finding the pear, I went back to check and the bag was there.

Sold the weapon off of course, as I don't have a use for it. I do have use for the gc though, as seen below with the number of school days and such I've been using.

The Pears Continue to be Harvested

More recently, I've barely hunted for them, thus my name hasn't been seen much finding one. Real life has been more important and keeping me busy.

But they have been hunted when there's time. 60 pears have been found since my last update, bringing them up to 279 total.

Back to School

One of the main things I've been wasting my gc away on is school days. Not just the ones that randomly occur, but since last update I've bought stones to sponsor 5 days myself.

And of course, I used them quite a bit. First time included tailoring, but now that there's a tailoring day I will limit using school day for that. Until I reach my goals in Alch and Manu, those are the two skills I'll be focusing on for those days, and did.

The Levels Spring Forward

In no particular order, there's been quite a few since previous update...


Besides my school days, I've taken advantage of many other days, random or by others. Even Sun Tzu, though not often, I've done when I've had time.

Your overall level is now 161!

Overall 161

It helped mostly with the overall level.

But attack and defense haven't gone dead. Normally when I've been on I've only had time to get my dailies done, so they've for the most part continued even when I didn't have time for anything else.

Which has led to a couple levels on both. Limiting images below to just the last level to avoid going too long...

You advanced to level 129 and 130 of attack!

Attack 130

You advanced to level 129 and 130 of defense!

Defense 130

Attack and Defense remain low priority, until I have gotten all my other skills that have gods to 100, at the very least. Which will be quite a long time.

The Alchemist in me continues to take advantage of the Alch goddess, and school days to push it even further. Moving slowly up, I've gotten to be the #3 alchemist in the game and have no intention of stopping that leveling anytime soon. The levels come incredibly slowly at this point though, especially since it's not the only skill I'm working on.

You advanced to level 135 of alchemy!

Alchemy 135

Not mercury? You gotta be kidding right? Correct... we're talking some serious expense to get a level here. Only half of which is coming via schools as I do need a motherload of essies for my magic leveling and as well need to earn gc to afford school use.

Mercury is just a waste. I know some still try to use it, but the cost factor is extreme and gives very little over what magic essies will do. Broken alembics, the lack of cinnabar on the market as people no longer harvest it as they used to back in the day, rising cost of ings for energy essies... all have led to mercury no longer being a good use of the school. Magic essies give less exp each, but ings are much easier to get hold of or even self-harvest.

God use continues... the other use of school days has been for manufacturing, a much more expensive task where the gc provides less experience than alchemy. I get 334 exp per magic essence, but only 208 per leather helm.

Nevertheless, I git 'er done. The several school days have led to several levels.

You advanced to level 89 through 92 of manufacturing!

Manu 92

Not so bad... 8 more levels and I'll drop the manu god to focus on either crafting or summoning, haven't decided yet.

And yet the third god I have... magic. I've been pushing myself to do more random spells while sitting at storage, started with true sights but after lots of calculations determined Magic Immunity to be a better exp per gc option.

On Day of Magic though, exp per mana is a more favorable option despite the cost.

I use Mana Drain when I have the ability, which hasn't been much of late since as I said I haven't been on much. But sometimes when I can't be around I can still have the game on, and click off spells occasionally sitting at storage.

Two levels have occured...

You advanced to level 80 and 81 of magic!

Magic 81

At the point in the image, I chose to use the fast regen spot in Kusamura Jungle to speed along spell casting. Not optimal, but it was a busy time in EL and any good spawns for mana draining were taken.

There's been quite a few ranging days, and I've been taking heavy advantage of those, for quite a few levels. 7 levels to be more precise!

You advanced to levels 56 through 62 of ranging!

Ranging 62

Not bad... and definitely not cheap, hehe.

This left me with an impulsive wanna-level-it problem... I'd been almost completely ignoring summoning. It was once my third-lowest skill, with both tailoring and ranging below it.

However, ranging has gone ahead full speed as seen above, and quite a bit of focus on tailoring in the past has gotten it even higher than ranging.

Summoning has in turn become my lowest skill. And at 58, I just couldn't bear for it to be my only skill under 60. It needed some attention.

So, I started taking advantage of Summon days when they came along.

You advanced to levels 59 and 60 of summoning!

Summon 60

And with that, I hit my "All skills 60+" goal! The only problem with that, is that it automatically creates a new goal... all skills 70+. Doh! That goal will mean 10 more summon levels, 8 more ranging levels, and 3 more tailoring levels.

Right, tailoring. It's been on the wayside for the moment, as my gc has been poured into ranging and school day stock and more.

But it did get one power-up, on our very first Tailoring day.

You advanced to level 67 of tailoring!

Tailor 67

It'll likely not be leveled much in the coming months. Though I do plan to work on stock for a possible future tailoring day.

Engineering is no longer being worked on. As I said in my last update, I've dropped that god now that I'm 100+.

However, that doesn't mean I won't take advantage of Eng days when they come along, and I happen to have the ings for it. Particularly Treasure Finder ings. I had enough to "almost" get a level on an Eng day during this period. Too close for my taste, I continued leveling that day using indicator ings. Not something I'd normally do, but it was too close to level to let it drop.

You advanced to level 102 of engineering!

Eng 102

And finally (I think) is a skill I don't pay attention to, ever. I harvest what I need when I need it, and rarely pay attention to getting experience. Of course I do the two harv dailies regularly but when it comes to hourly harvs, I just harv what I need... be it amber, or be it low-level flowers.

You advanced to level 114 of harvesting!

Harv 114

And with that... um... yeah, adios. Crafting and Potion remain unleveled this time. I do mix SRs, and my own C1 rings which I eat like candy, but not enough to level, and not caring about levels for either for now.

I'll probably continue to not be as active as normal for the foreseeable future. But I'll be around.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Burn With IWannaRock Bot for Sale

With a lack of time to play, I've decided to put my well-developed character Burn up for sale.


- Ranked #12 all-rounder
- OA 161
- 6 skills leveled to over 100: Att (130), Def (130), Har (114), Alch (135), Pot (111), Eng (102)
- #3 Alchemist in game!
- Fully leveled mule
- Level 8 phoenix, over 20 phoenix glyphs available
- All quests except break quests complete (2 pieces of tit set left to go in first armor break, and most of newbie breaks done)
- Tutorials for Alch, Harv and Pot complete. Eng and Manu are half-done. (Craft not started)
- Pro Pear hunting skills
- Comes with bot IWannaRock
- Fastest character in-game with almost 24/7 speed hax
- Includes special commands that can get people you don't like to shut up, or even just kick them out of the game.
- As well as commands that will let you teleport directly to other people wherever they are, very useful instead of taking long walks back and forth to storage when harving!
- Includes demigod mode. Get a green name and one-click kill people!


You have read 387 of 395 matching books

All books have been read, except:

Iron Broad Sword of Ice
Serpent Sword of Ice
Red Dragons Fighting
Black Dragons Fighting
Ice Dragons Fighting
Blue Dragons Fighting
Bulangiu Fighting
Mare Bulangiu Fighting


16 achievements

All stats are public, as always: Stats Page for Burn


Human 7
Animal 5
Vegetal 6
Inorganic 6
Artificial 7
Magic 2


I eat dead people*
Power Hungry
I Can't Dance
Scotty Died
Ethereal Ranger
Big Belly
Dedicated harvester
Hard Hitter

*bot currently has a removal stone for this

Current Gods


Post your offer. Note the date when you do.