900 Pears Found
A nice, round number to achieve. My 900th pear was found yesterday, in the Nordcarn PK cave.
Overall 173
Tells you how much I wasn't paying attention to this... I hit it during a period of heavy afk-harving, so no screenie for it. Didn't realize until I finally checked my OA wondering when I'd hit another one. They take so long at these levels that I stopped paying attention.
Alchemy Rising
Just can't seem to get off the alchemy kick, despite already hitting number 1. Well, that and the essies are heavily used so I heavily make them. And well, I don't have any other schools to work with at the moment on Day of Schools so... experience is experience so I spend it in the alch school when it happens.
You advanced to level 143 of alchemy!
Engineering Rising
While I'm no longer focusing on engineering, it's still very good experience. All Action Points go to harvesting amber, then stock other ings for treasure finders for that amber... Day of Engineering they get poofed. So the number 1 engineer continues leveling...
You advanced to level 123 of engineering!
As for other skills, yeah, they're getting done. Ranging has finally been given a bit of attention, hitting the arena for a few ranging days has led to two more levels.
You advanced to level 71-72 of ranging!
Attack and Defense still primarily leveled by dailies, though of late I've been out kicking the Big Chickens. Mostly for feather stock and they give decent gc, but getting experience nonetheless.
You advanced to level 142 of defense!
You advanced to level 142 of attack!
Normally I'd be in training gear for the big chickens, for best experience, but on No Grief, while I don't have the best gear in the world, I took out what I did have and farmed a double spawn.
Summoning has been hit a bit on summoning days, though the levels have been hit while turning in the daily. Keeping a nice heavy stock of every item wanted for that, enough for 10 days worth of each fur and such. Two more levels since last update.
You advanced to level 80-81 of summoning!
Harvesting gets paid no attention, other than dailies. I don't bother with the hourly experience and haven't in years, just harving what I need not what gives best experience. But it levels eventually.
You advanced to level 124 of harvesting!
Break Quest
Besides kicking the big chickens for the experience, feathers, and gc, I also wear primarily stuff I need to break. They obliged with another red dragon set break, leaving me with only two more to do for that set.
Not something I generally attend, but I've poked around on a few. Mostly hunting down stragglers on portal invasions, kicking what I can and informing of the others.
One mostly-quiet morning had a lot of leftovers, particularly in Thelinor, with almost noone doing anything about them. After running around Thelinor and killing what I could, I grabbed ranging gear and sat on this spot where I could pin stuff.
Melinis invasions are too much for me, though. I do like to show up and see how many I can pin at once while sitting on the wall. For giggles. In this case, a motherload of black dragons.
And that's pretty much it for this time... oh, right... one last thing.
The Treasure of Nordcarn
Not quite the quest, but I did find a treasure. My 4th find I think.
I'll remind again that you should not think of this location as a place to immediately check when treasures are dropped. If it were like Joker I'd never post locations. Treasures are very randomly placed, and could be on any map in any location.
About the fire... once the general location is found, the F9 "fire" was used to mark where I'd checked for the treasure in that area. Helps prevent rechecking the same spot again, wasting skeleton keys.