You advanced to level 85 of attack!
Followed (wow, attack finally passed defense, if only by a hundred k exp or so) by:
You advanced to level 85 of defense!
And it's about time...
Your overall level is now 122!
Yippee, a wraith visit. :P
Spent some time hitting about 6 fluffies in a more training-style, complete with bone, last night. Appears I could quite possibly start training on them, but doesn't seem worth it just yet. About 1k defense experience more than attack experience (despite having the attack god), 2 restores per bunny average, and crap drops.
Not that clops drops are much better, but I waste less HEs/SRs if I continue on them at this point which makes them better. Not to mention it's much easier to get clops spawns, multi even, on pretty much any given day.
Woke up to an invasion. Or rather, ooops, I thought I'd turned EL off last night but apparently I didn't and woke up in the underworld. Almost forgotten what the C1 underworld looked like, heh. Nothing of real value lost at least, was harving red currants in Portland at the time with only bare minimum stuff on me.
No complaints about the invasion. It's been a few days, this seems more like an appropriate occasion for one. Still not participating though, just woke up and it appears only high-level stuff left. Need at least 2 cups of coff... er, Potion of Alertness in me to deal with an invasion. This is unfortunately the normal time for an invasion, just before Europe starts waking up, so participation isn't always an option.
Today's agenda: Completely unknown at this point. Haven't really decided what to work on next, other than restocking the HEs I've been going through the past couple days.
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