Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mostly AFK Past Couple Days

Due to real life stuff, couldn't really get into doing much the last couple days in EL, thus I haven't been writing here, heh.

Started picking back up yesterday though. Hit the fluffies for a while, long enough for

You advanced to level 92 of attack!

Attack Level 92

Leveling pot and alch aren't anywhere near as easy as they used to be, so I started advertising mixing services for both. No profit, no loss, just experience. Immediately got a 1k steel bar mix, and am currently working on mixing 6k of SRs for someone.

An idea of how long a level takes these days: It would take about 17,900 steel bars to get a full alch level, and 18,500 SRs to level potion. (Note: That's with the potion goddess bonus!)

Anyway, that's gonna be my morning, mixing the SRs. I'll be getting an OA before I get my next potion level as well, so there's a double bonus to doing these. Actually, I'll need to do a bit more mixing along with the SRs to get the levels. BRs it is, heh, I need the gc. As always.

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