Seems to be more and more people going to the completely respectless side these days.
Just two recent ones that come to mind:
Situation 1) A post is made on the Disputes forum that a guildmate bagjumped another user and refused to return the items. The poster stated that the bagjumper had been kicked from the guild, and that the guild itself made restitution to the player.
Honorable action by kicking the bagjumper out of the guild. A completely unrequired but nevertheless admirable behavior on the guild's part in ensuring the user got their items back at the guild's expense.
Into the thread comes another user with the behavior of a 5-year-old, calling people names for posting it or agreeing with the actions. Whining because someone dared to call out a bagjumper for others to be wary of. This user with the childish behavior is of course already on the forum himself as a bagjumper.
So? Hidden underneath all his incredibly childish name-calling is the fact that bagjumping in itself is a "part of the game", and completely legal as far as the rules go.
However, in more childish assumptions, he behaves as if everyone should accept such behavior just because he does. It's all a part of the gameplay.
Why, yes it is. I personally don't go anywhere with expensive gear without a rostogol for that reason.
That doesn't mean it should be accepted as the norm, though. There's quite a few people who disagree with that, and the Disputes forum, as much as the childish name-caller would like to think different, is there for exactly reasons like this.
The Consequences of BagjumpingA player is, of course, completely free to pursue a life of such stealing. However, there are consequences to such actions, and the Disputes forum helps ensure those consequences are dealt out.
1) Potential PVP partners are lost because you're not trustable.
2) Users and even entire guilds will refuse to trade with you.
3) Bots shut off trade with you.
4) I'm sure the pkers have their own special treatment of such people as well, though since I'm not one I wouldn't know.
5) Would you go in an instance with a known bagjumper? Trust is very important during those. Much harder to get an instance team willing to go in with you.
6) In a guild? Every one of your guildmates will pay for your actions as well. You are a representative of your guild. If the guild doesn't kick you out for your behavior, it means they accept it. As such, they will bear the responsibility and be refused trade and so on as well.
Pretty much "sucks to be you" as you made your own gameplayer that much more difficult over a few gc. Enjoy not being trusted by anyone, and noone willing to do anything with you. Oh, there's a few that do? They're fucking morons and deserve the knife in the back you'll give them eventually.
I'll not deny you have the right to request those consequences by making an ass of yourself.
Meanwhile, I'll continue returning deathbags (even up to items like NMTs that I could easily have taken with noone knowing), making friends or at the least "friendly contacts", and have my gameplay that much easier. With the exception of the known bagjumpers, there's not a single person in the game who has reason to distrust me. Not even the ones who might hate my guts or whatever for personal reasons. ;) I return dbs I find, and I always follow through when I say I'll do something.
Situation 2) (The user name and their guild will be left out of this as the situation was resolved. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, however.)
Training this morning in the Bethel Feros cave. Player comes in with a tit serp sword, proceeds to kill every spawn in sight, despite me and a few others doing actual training there.
Asked once to stop. He continued. Asked twice to stop, made sure he knew he was disrupting people doing actual training. He continued. He even attacked a feros I was in the middle of boxing with his serp.
He got his guild blacklisted. Screenshots were taken in preps for a special entry in this blog.
However, I managed to get hold of one of his guildmates. A while later I got a response from that guildmate that the serper was stopping his actions.
I thanked the guildmate and removed them from my blacklist, and obviously you won't see that special blog entry for them.
When training, I live to a very specific code to ensure I can get some training in and still not disrupt others.
1) Regardless of who they are, I never touch a spawn someone's training on already.
2) I keep a few diss rings at all times, mainly to diss should someone's training spawn attack me as I'm walking by or such. (Not a big issue these days since only fluffs and chims still attack me of creatures I may normally walk past.)
3) If a multi training area already has more than one person per two spawns, I'll leave and find a single-spawn if necessary (and possible) so they can have a chance to continue training on multi spawns.
I get into those areas and get time on multiple spawns other times and would appreciate someone doing that for me, so I do it for others.
But better to have a single spawn than the ill will gained by disrupting someone else's training. It's not really necessary to do this, and I'm well aware of that, but I do it anyway. I'm in no rush, and I get my chances to multi-spawn train regularly.
Basically put, I go out of my to ensure I don't disrupt other players trying to do the same thing I'm doing. I wouldn't want them doing it to me. I don't expect anyone to do #3 above, though it would be nice, but I do expect some semblance of the same respect they'd want to not disrupt training.
And I pretty much have zero tolerance for those boneheaded idiots who bring any kind of sword into the feros cave. There's too many people trying to train there for someone to be in there killing off 3-4 spawns faster than even 1 can respawn. That's not training, that's stupidity. Such players will be treated as they deserve to be treated. If you have a sword in the feros cave, you're either serping or you're too low of a level to be there in the first place, and need to go back to the lions or clops until you're ready. Either way, don't expect much in the way of respect from me if you come near me while I'm training and you're carrying a sword to hit feros for either reason.