Back in February, I posted some of my "top 10" and bottom 10 stats, just for the heck of it, and something I could look back at and see how things have changed.
Here it is, almost 6 months later. Curious, so here I go again, hehe.
<<>> means position hasn't changed
(####) Numbers in parentheses are how many I've done according to stats
Top 10 Kills1- Male Ogre (8852) <<>>
2- Cyclops (4122) <<>>
3- Feros (3404) (wasn't in top 10 before, was training on clops then)
4- Fluffy Rabbit (2281) (wasn't in top 10 before, was training on clops then)
5- Troll (2153) (down 2 spots)
6- Gargoyle (1979) (down 2 spots)
7- Feran (1888) <<>>
8- Wolf (1770) (up 2 spots)
9- Snake (1564) (down 4 spots)
10- Male Goblin (1415) (down 4 spots)
Feros/Fluffies joined the list since I've trained on them since last check. Feran kills nearly doubled, got to have those horns for potting! Wolves have gone up since I've been kicking them while MD-ing bears, harving in VotD, etc., as I've needed furs for summoning. Nothing much else is a big change.
Grizzly Bears are up to 1.1k killed, and I plan to do a LOT more with my magic training and collecting their furs for summon stones. I bet in another 6 months they'll be one of my top 5 kills. Otherwise unless I get on desert chim training soon, I don't expect too much difference.
Bottom 10 kills(Excluding Instance-only creatures)
10- Gentoo Penguin (26)
9- Yeti (24)
8- Shy Rat (22)
7- Leonard (alpha) (22)
6- Leprechaun (20)
5- Sslessar (16)
4- Invisible Rat (10)
3- Giant (10)
2- Mountain Chimeran (3)
1- Cockatrice (1)
No big surprises there. Cockatrice and Giants were ranging kills. The rest by fighting.
Top 10 HarvestsI have almost 5.6 million items harvested in total now.
1- Sunflower (616,131) <<>>
2- Iron Ore (365,451) (up 4 spots)
3- Coal (361,340) (up 4 spots)
4- Red Rose (330,178) <<>>
5- Red Snapdragons (330,709)
6- Lilacs (289,411) (down 4 spots)
7- Sulfur (286,597) (up 2 spots)
8- Silver Ore (285,536) (wasn't in previous top 10)
9- Blue Star Flower (228,169) (up 1 spot)
10- Impatiens (208,305) (down 7 spots)
Sunflowers have doubled in total number harvested in the past 6 months. Unsurprising considering the number of BR potions I make, as you'll see below, heh.
The biggest changes come pretty much directly from buying Nexus. Making all those S2Es myself, including harving the ings has brought iron, coal, and FE ings up greatly.
Meanwhile, ings for Magic essies have dropped greatly, as I rely less on them for leveling since doing the S2E projects. I still make them on occasion, even need some for magic training now so those may rise again.
Not gonna bother with bottom 10 harvests. They're pretty much the same, with hydrogenium ore rising thanks to my nexus buying project. It'll soon be out of my bottom ten.
Top 10 Alchemy1- Fire Essence (332,234) <<>>
2- Magic Essence (186,691) <<>>
3- Health Essence (175,335) <<>>
4- Energy Essence (75,630) (up 1 spot)
5- Life Essence (57,102) (down 1 spot)
6- Water Essence (49,787) (up 1 spot)
7- Steel Bar (36,161) (wasn't in previous top 10)
8- Earth Essence (36,028) (down 2 spots)
9- Air Essence (24,027) <<>>
10- Matter Essence (20,287) <<>>
No surprises. S2Es have gotten steel bars into the list. Silver bars may join them if I continue my crafting. I expect Earth essies to drop out of the top 10 soon considering that, and my newly found need for air essies. (And matter, energy, magic essies as well since I'm doing a lot of radiation shields as well.)
I doubt anything will ever get FEs out of the #1 spot though. *sigh* I hate making those things these days...
Top 10 Potions1- Body Restoration (324,587) <<>>
2- Spirit Restoration (34,288) <<>>
3- Creature Food (12,840) (up 1 spot)
4- Feasting Potion (9,106) (down 1 spot)
5- True Sight (4,321) <<>>
6- Mana (2,577) <<>>
7- Minor Healing (2,020) <<>>
8- Chan-Ogre-Tree extract (1,479) <<>>
9- Currant-Bberry-Rue extract (1,124) (wasn't in top 10 before)
10- Nightshade-Mullein-Dandelion extract (1,121) <<>>
Number of BRs made has doubled. Nice gc and nice experience = nice to make, hehe.
SRs will be made in much higher numbers in the near future as I make my own to make summoning stones. Market is saturated with them so they're not as easy to sell as they may have used to be, so most get made for my own use, with a few sales here and there. Sum Stones will demand a lot more be made, naturally.
Feasting Potions... I haven't made a single one since last time. Buy them instead. I'd say it would drop out of the top 10 but nothing below it gets made heavily enough to do that.
Nothing else has really changed. The extracts will move around a bit but essentially stay together as I make them all equally, give or take a few.
The only big exception is the shroom extracts... I've actually mixed a lot more than shown, just that they are now done these days in the Potion school, and those don't get added to the stats.
I stopped there last time, since my other charts weren't developed very well. But.. I think I'll throw in a few more this time that have fleshed out a bit more, hehe. Just FTR.
Top 10 Breakages1- Mortar & Pestle (1,211)
2- Pickaxe (921)
3- Bones (290)
4- Aug Leather Pants (170)
5- Leather Gloves (164)
6- Needle (105)
7- Leather Boots (92)
8- Aug Leather Armor (59)
9- Training Arrows (52)
10- Iron Helm (23)
Of the above, aug sets, leather boots, and iron helms are essentially never used by me these days so I expect them to drop. Leather Gloves and the top 3 are pretty much the only things that I use that break regularly now.
The M&P count is no surprise considering I'm at Potion 101 now. I expect that to rise drastically over the coming 6 months.
Top 10 Crafting1- Polished Sapphire (5,103)
2- Thread (4,724)
3- Silver Medallion (4,179)
4- Moon Medallion (3,616)
5- Polished Emerald (2,377)
6- Empty Vial (1,227)
7- Silver Ring (808)
8- Polished Ruby (793)
9- Polished Diamond (639)
10- Gold Ring (403)
Can't imagine it being much different than other crafters. Pol Saps and Moon Meds for leveling. Thread for beginner leveling.
I don't make thread or vials anymore, so I expect those will drop. Eventually.
Top 10 Manufacturing1- Leather Helms (30,038) (plus a motherload of them in the manu school that aren't counted)
2- S2E swords (1,823)
3- Leather Gloves (504)
4- Iron Sword (261)
5- Leather Pants (258)
6- Aug Leather Pants (186)
7- Ring Mold (178)
8- Medallion Mold (141)
9- Steel Chain Mail (116)
10- Aug Leather Armor (114)
With only a minor exception here and there, my manu-ing is limited to helms and S2Es these days. I expect these charts to look pretty much the same in another 6 months.
Top 10 Spells1- Restore (13,649)
2- Portal Room (4,852)
3- Heal (1,820)
4- Radiation Shield (1,322)
5- Mana Drain (976)
6- Shield (866)
7- Remote Heal (407)
8- Tele 2 Range (302)
9- Magic Immunity (226)
10- Harm (149)
Only used 6 other spells, though I have the sigils for all of them.
Restore will always be #1 obviously.
Portal Room, Mana Drain, and Rad Shield will continue to rise. As I'm using the latter 2 for power magic leveling, it's possible they may outdo portal room visits.
The rest are... rare use. Remote Heals on occasion in VotD while harving for newbie harvers, and Harm is a favorite for Lenny. Tele 2 Range has almost no use, but does happen on occasion.
Other than that, pretty much no use of any other spells.
Top 10 Summons1- Boar (2,298)
2- Snake (1,465)
3- Wolf (1,069)
4- Rat (643)
5- Fox (602)
6- Rabbit (361)
7- Deer (177)
8- Beaver (145)
9- Racoon (100)
10- Skunk (86)
Only 4 more others on the list. I expect these won't change much, wolf may go up to second place.
The big change will be summoning stones. I expect the top 2 will be bear and spider stones in 6 more months time.
Top 10 Engineering1- Ashes (16,134)
2- Saltpeter (7,693)
3- Rope (4,545)
4- A/D Indicator (2,287)
5- Harvest/Degrade Indicator (952)
6- Make Rare/Fail Indicator (85)
7- Poisoned Caltrop (30)
8- Blackpowder (16)
9- Nail (6)
10- Accuracy/Magic Indicator (4)
11- Criticals Indicator (3)
Went ahead and added the 11th because, well, there were only 11 in the entire list.
Ashes/Saltpeter will continue to rise as I continue doing tailoring.
Harv/Deg indicators are my primary leveling source these days, so they'll go up dramatically.
Ropes will continue to be made until I tire of them, for the indicators.
Top 10 TailoringUmmm...
1- Blue Dye (4,838)
2- Red Dye (1,599)
3- Yellow Dye (688)
4- White Fabric (216)
5- Orange Dye (37)
6-10 don't exist. 30 levels and only made 5 things. Gotta... love it?
Anyway, that's it for this time. Check back in 6 months? If I remember, heh.