Saturday, August 8, 2009

Introducing My Bot, IWannaRock

My Bot, IWannaRock

Botified today, IWannaRock is my new bot. Unblessed for the time being so he's dealing mostly in items bought in small amounts.

Location: Morcraven Marsh [260, 13] - South end of MM, between Naralik exit and the gold cave.

For starters, all the perk and attribute removal stones I've had cluttering my storage, some potions, and various other odds and ends.

/IWannaRock inv <-- for the full list

Not buying anything for now, though he will... as soon as I can figure out what I need, heh.

Visit his page!


  1. Gratz with new bot :)
    Still not decidet when or where i want mine.

  2. [PM from Gossip: iwannarock was last logged on about 7 days ago. ]

    Just wondering what happened to the bot.

  3. He's offline for the time being due to an issue I'll post about later, after it's corrected.

    Hopefully back on before the end of the month.


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