Just been doing random stuff past few days, sticking to plans a bit but more often not.
Being close to a harv level, I thought doing some more engineering would be a good way to push that along as well...
You advanced to level 98 of Harvesting!
Just 2 more for my 5th 100+ skill, hehe.
Spent a lot of time on the gypsum in Arius, mixing bear stones in bags there. Got tired of that though, and with over 10k gyp in storage by now decided to use some of that instead to finish off the level...
You advanced to level 40 of summoning!
That brings me up to the rec level for spider summon stones, but I'm gonna keep on doing bear stones a while longer. Mainly because I still get plenty of critical fails on bear stones even on the best astro, so spider stones would be even worse. But also because I've still got over 4k bear furs in storage that were "free" compared to having to buy thread for the spider stones.
- Made several at-silver bag loads of HEs, both for myself and drop off on my bot for sale. (Nice little thing, bot buys loads of FEs for me, I put HEs to sell on it to pay for those. Better experience and a positive gc.)
- Made the magic and energy essies needed for my next wave of 500 mana drains and radiation shields. Actually working on the matter essies as I type this.
- Tried spending some time ranging last night on the 4 MBs dropped in Bethel to get new experience books in game. Ended up being mostly a waste of time on my part though.
- Planned out some more books to read and what preferred order. Something to slowly do in the background. Though I wanna try the experience books that were added today as well. Currently reading Copper Smelting... yes, I still haven't finished all the tin/copper books, heh. Or Dvarium books for that matter besides the harvesting one.
I'm in no particular rush to read any of the books I haven't yet, just need to eventually for my "perfect all-rounder" goal. That and I'll need them as my levels go up, heh.
- Alchemy level is down to just 1.1 million needed to next level. Not that I'm deliberately trying to level it, it's just "happening" as I work for other skills and gc.
That's pretty much all that's been happening.
Current goals:
- Finish matter and air essies to go mana drain 500 more grizzlies
- Polish saps and make moon meds for another crafting level (and gc)
- Mix another motherload of SRs for sale and for summoning
- Finish off a ranging level when next ranging special day happens (1 more mule load of bolts in the ranging arena will do it)
- Try out experience books after I finish reading my current book (still 553 mins to go and I'm not wasting time in the reading room)
- Final batch of 125 S2Es / hydro runs / mix bars / buy artificial 6 nexus