Thursday, November 19, 2009

Go Go Power Ranger? Heh

Well, thanks to a combination of hundreds of moon medallions and non-stop reading the new Crafting Experience books, I've gotten both Crafting Levels 52 and 53 of late.

No screenies cuz they catch me off guard. I forget I'm reading the books until I'm suddenly getting a crafting level while walking through the C2 portal room, or harving silver. These books are bad for my screenshots. ;)

Yesterday, another random Robin Tell double ranging day showed up first thing after I woke up. Having gc from just selling all the moon meds I made, I took advantage of it... 2 mule loads of bolts with almost 2.2k bolts per trip.

You advanced to level 42 of ranging!

Ranging Level 42

Honestly had no plans to be leveling ranging as I have the last few days... but plans change on a whim, hehe.

Really do need to get back to plans though. Currently working on AEs for my next magic round with the grizzlies. Or actually, wondering if maybe I should start playing with the white tigers for magic training now. We'll see.

Made 4 more harvester medallions yesterday. No break last night though I was stress-testing it during high harv event astro. Still am for that matter.

2 enrichment stones and a rostogol came with my silver and diamond harving though. :P

Anyway, for my 500 mana drains and radiation shields, I got all the energy and matter essies done, as well as half the magic and air essies. Got the ings harved for the rest that are needed so time to go mix those.

Will probably go hit the grizzlies (or white tigers?) later today. Quite close to a magic level so will definitely get one before the 500 are done.

Also need to get some potioning done, for the gc. These bouts of ranging as well as buying experience books weren't planned expenses. ;)

And get my final batch of S2Es done for my next nexus buy...

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