Friday, July 20, 2012

Mmmm, Tasty Pears

The last few days have been Pear Hunting Season apparently. ;-) I'll probably get bored of doing this eventually, but for now I'm the reigning pear hunt champion, hehe.

10 pears in total found so far, didn't get screens for all (1 was in a previous entry), but here's 6 of them:

Palon Vertas - a helluva map to search (there's over 500 wood branches alone)


It's a Secret, Shhhhhhh.... - A secret spot, can post since even if you recognize the possible map, it doesn't show how to get there. ;-)


Southern Kileran - One of the easier maps if it shows up here.


Desert Pines - Holy crap, thought I'd be here forever. But I lucked out and was only 19 minutes into the day when I stumbled on it. And not exactly in a conventional place, either.


North Redmoon - Hanging with my good buddy "Red", hehe.


Bethel - In a stack of wood by the tent.

Attack 124

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