Friday, October 26, 2012

Another 19 Pears

The latest wave of pear finds. Finds have been a lot less frequent of late... not because of others, just that I haven't been online as much for the hunts or too busy with other things. No worries since the market for them    has been drying up a bit due to other items. They still sell and I'll continue to hunt of course, just not had as much time recently.

But 19 more since the last pear update:

Sedicolis - Well spread out and random harvables here, including some unreachables such as in the water in the city. But the veggie garden is good, too.


Nordcarn - Doesn't show up often here, but it does show up.


Aeth Aelfan - Small Cave - Small but slowly harved since lots of rubies.


Trassian - Dra Syn - This particular room has a secret entrance. You know it, right?


Thelinor - Was seriously lucky in finding it so quickly. I spent over 1.5 hours on this map once.


Bethel - Not much to say about this map. Harvs are pretty spread out and random, so it's good to have a knowledge of where they are beforehand.


Nordcarn - I said I hadn't seen it here much, but in this time frame it did show up twice.


Desert Pines - The harvs can be particularly tricky to spot in the forest area. Scout it well in advance.


Sedicolis - Second time this update. That veggie patch is tempting as the most dense area of harvs to check, but always remember that "random harvable" not near any others is just as likely to have the pear.


Morcraven Marsh - Well spread out, and locations of harvs that you have to stand at a specific spot to reach make this a particularly difficult map to check.


Zirakinbar - Very few harvables relative to the size of the map. This map is a particularly good example of a map that should be scouted in advance and marked.


Southern Kileran Field - Carmien Manor - Once the map is determined, the few harvs make this a quick find always. Unless it shows up in one of about 3 unreachable harvs.


Sedicolis - For a 3rd time this update... don't let that fool you though. That it's shown up here so often this update does not mean it will continue to. The map chosen truly is random. Next update could be a lot of times on a different map. Or not. And while it can by definition of random show up in the same harvable, as is seen in the 3 Sedi screenshots on this update, it hasn't.


Kusamura Jungle - Insides - There's several unreachable coal in this map. And yes, it has in the past been determined to be in one of them by 4 hunters. Not this time, though.


Imbroglio Islands - Very few harvables on the main map, but they're well spread out and of course the map is tricky to get around to where they all are. And of course there's the people that camp out (world's dullest gameplay) waiting for hydro runners. Easy to get around them though.


Bethel - Secret Spot - Besides having to know where the secret spot is, this map is particularly hated by pear hunters as a good 90% of the harvables cannot actually be harved, or are in unenterable areas (so dunno if they're harvable or not). Majority of the time that it's on this map, it's never found.


Irinveron - Few harvables considering its size. But well spread out and several hidden under trees make it a challenge to hunt.


Kusamura Jungle - Insides - For a second time this update. In this case, in one of the pieces of coal that's reachable, but not visible from a normal camera angle.


Irinveron - Yeti Cave - Several unreachables, a load of slow harvables like sapphires, diamonds, and cinnabar, plus many harvs "hidden" inside the cave walls. This map can take a while to determine, and harv, despite its relatively low number of harvable types.


And that makes 19. Until next time... as I said, not on as much for the moment so the finds will be less for a while.

Friday, October 19, 2012

New Invasion Creature: Vulture

We've been given a change to invasion creatures, where they can be "capped". People above the cap level will not be attacked by the creature, nor can they attack it. (There's some magic issues atm but radu's forbidden that for now and it'll likely be fixed.)

Rules about these invasions haven't been completely decided yet as far as over-the-cap players are concerned. Understandable, as it's still new and it'll take several runs to see how this system plays out and what will need to be done in the way of mods enforcing rules and any possible tweaks that may need to be done.

So for now, the only rule that's been put in place is "no magic" from overcapped players. Not on the creatures, not healing fighters, nothing. (That's called neutrality btw. Some have complained about the no-heal part.)

Right, overcappers shouldn't be dropping summons and mines/caltrops and such either.

Some confusion over the rules also occured in the beginning as well, leading even to incorrect moderation. Regardless of what's been said before, that's been clarified by radu now that he's not ready to decide on the rules yet, and only the above applies for now. No decision has been made yet on any other aspect of overcapper interference (positive or negative), despite confusion that may have occured from previous posts by moderators, including myself.

Disclaimer: The following is personal opinion as a player, not a moderator. It's not the basis of any rules, or moderation. This is solely my opinion, and does not reflect the opinion of any one other than myself. DO NOT QUOTE ANYTHING BELOW AS FACT, or actual rules. They're not, just opinions, and I'll be the first to call you out as wrong in doing so.

The Lower Level Right to Have Fun in Invasions

Maybe "right" isn't the correct word. Capped invasions of any sort were essentially non-existent back in the time when I was low enough to find them interesting. If things had remained that way I'd see no reason to complain.

But now that they're a regular part of gameplay, I think it's essential that the fun of these be for those who are actually under the cap and can participate. They're unable to do so in global-scale invasions where even I would have problems participating. High-levelers have their fun there, generally without interference from low-levels.

These invasions were designed with lower-level players in mind, and I personally believe all rules concerning them should solely be considered on their participation, noone else's.

Overcapper Participation... No

Overcappers cannot harm/poison/life drain/whatever invaded creatures. This rule was put in place because it's possible and has the unintended effect of overcappers being allowed to participate killing invaders that weren't meant for them.

Overcappers cannot heal those who are participating. Thus "no magic use at all by overcappers that in any way affects the invasion".

I agree with this, despite some protests by people wanting to heal their fighting guildmates and such.

Why? Overcappers, IT'S NOT YOUR INVASION.

I agree not only with this, but a complete prohibition of any overcapper participating in any way, whether it is beneficial or harmful.

One side reason for this is just that it would be much simpler to moderate. There'd be no question on what you're allowed to do as an overcapper... absolutely nothing.

I believe that's the way it should be. Why? These invasions aren't for the overcappers, period.

So no harming creatures, no healing fighters. Just watch.

Low-Levels Help Each Other

If the low-level fighters need help, they can get assistance from others whom the invasion was designed for. I've watched quite a few of these style invasions that have occured so far. The low-levels are quite capable of handling the invasion themselves without the overcappers who feel they "have to help somehow".

Can you go into a 60-80 instance as a level 140 a/d-er, restocking fighters or healing them? No. Yet they manage to do that all the time. Invasions are no different.

They don't need overcapper help. They don't need overcappers pushing them to finish invasions (more on this below)... they need nothing from overcappers. Again, this isn't for overcappers, at all, period. Overcappers, what's happening in low-level invasions is none of your business, and in no way affects you. Go back to whatever you were doing.

If you want to watch, fine. That's not participating in any way. But remember, it's not about you, it's not for you, and it doesn't need you. You're not a part of it.

No Bags. No Jumping. No Saving. No Harvesting of them.

With the addition of these creatures, overcappers have found it possible to walk right into the middle of an invasion and be completely immune, able to walk around and watch, do dailies, harvest, or whatever they need to do on a map.

However with this addition comes the ability to grab bags. As the overcapper won't be attacked, they're free to grab stuff while those actually participating are too busy fighting, who could otherwise grab those things themselves once the invaders have thinned out in that particular area.

Bag 1) No harvesting of drops by overcappers

I believe this should be part of the "no interference" rule. While yes, there's gatherer medallions, the lower the level the less likely they can afford regularly using such a thing. The bags should remain there for actual participants of the invasion. Whether they get picked up by the person who did the actual kill or get jumped otherwise, the drops should go to those who are under the cap and as such considered participants.

Bag 2) No bag saving by overcappers

As a moderator, I would sometimes in the past go to invasions wearing my "green" name, and watch looking for people over the cap trying to participate. Sending them out as needed.

That "green" name gives me a sort of power in that invaders won't touch me, safe on pk maps, and so on. That name also meant added responsibility in remaining completely out of the way of whatever is going on.

It meant I couldn't pick up bags. It meant I couldn't save bags. I had to remain neutral, and only do what I was there for, keeping the overcappers out.

I watched someone drop a lot of stuff once. Them knowing I was near them at the time, I got PM after PM begging for me to save it. There was no way they'd be able to get back to it into as the map was flooded with invaders.

I had to say no, no matter how much I wanted to help. They had to rely on themself, or another participant helping them. But as an observer, only there for moderation purposes, I was required to not get involved in any way. I couldn't be there at all without that immunity the green name provided from invaders.

Overcappers now have this immunity. But I feel there is a need to ensure overcappers do not get involved in any way, positive or negative. And as such, should not touch these bags either, no matter how noble the reason may be felt to be.

Bag 3) No bag jumping by overcappers

With the immunity from invaders comes this possibility, and we're seeing it already. Just like saving bags, overcappers should not be allowed to get involved by jumping them either. No positive, no negative.

The Rise of the Vulture

That last part, as there's no rule around it yet, has led to the creation of a new invasion creature that only those participating in the invasions have to be concerned about.

The vulture.

The vulture comes disguised as an overcapped player. Like a vulture, it stalks around the participants of the invasion, waiting for death. On death, they swoop in to grab the bag left behind.

Whether they get a bag or not, they become a nuisance to the participant just by their constant stalking of them, when the participant is trying to have fun or is preoccupied with actual participation fighting creatures.

No matter where the participant goes, the vulture follows, constantly a few steps away, waiting.

Even add to that, the vulture will be the overcapper who is posting in 6 for people to "come fight these creatures who can", constantly. It's their sole purpose for posting. Why? They're a vulture, there's noone for them to stalk and wait for death. They don't want you there for the invasion itself, they're after their own self-interests.

Participants themselves have told me of just how annoying this is, to the point words were exchanged of the not-so-polite sort (between the fighters and the vulture) which led to moderators having to get involved anyway. That's just from people who didn't die or lose anything to the vulture. Just the fact that they're constantly there following them around is felt like harassment, and seriously reduces the fun of the capped invasion.

Now, if there's no rules set in place for stopping overcapper participation, the vulture population will only grow. We've already seen from past experience that there is a crowd of people in the game who will stop at no length to make a complete nuisance of themselves. The "vulture" crowd will grow as more overcappers realize they can get away with it.

The call for a "Grubani Invasion with level 80 cap" will more and more become a call for people 81 and up to go to Grubani for free stuff.

This is not theoretical. I have myself witnessed this "vulturing" of low-level players.

"Well, they could do that anyway before!" - No they couldn't. In a capped invasion, they'd get tossed off the map by a moderator if they were caught by us or reported. Regardless of their reason for being there. They'd get attacked by the old style monsters, and there was no way they could stay on the map without violating the cap because of that. So they were poofed away by mods, regardless of reason for being on the map.

"Well, they could go in invisible before" - Invisibility spells/potions only last so long. This would be a long, tedious, expensive means, which left them vulnerable to getting attacked should the spell wear off. It wasn't something that was *regularly* attempted before as it's just not worth the hassle. And never attempted when overcapped in a capped invasion as mods would deal with them just as directly as an overcapper trying to fight the creatures.

Unlike now. With complete immunity (just as us mods are when we go into "green name" mode) overcappers are free to stalk low-level participants, just waiting for something to grab, with absolutely nothing to interfere with them doing so.

These vultures are not only making attempts to ruin what has been an otherwise great addition to the game, but they're attempting to ruin the fun of the low-level players whom this was intended for.

I've already had a couple who've lost bags to a vulture say they don't want to participate anymore because of the vultures. (Well, they used names, I'm just sticking to what they are here, not who they are.)

As said, there are no rules for these things yet. Other than what was mentioned at the top of this entry about magic and such, it's still a free-for-all, as The Powers That Be need time to see how things go and what concerns arise before making a decision on how to go forward with any rules about overcappers.

"But just allow positive things like healing fighters and bag saving!" - Sorry, no, I don't agree with this. On a personal level because I don't feel overcappers should have any participation whatsoever in something that is NOT FOR THEM. And that in the interest of neutrality, if bag saving by overcappers is allowed, so is bag jumping.

People within the level of the invasion can save bags, jump bags, pick up drops, whatever they wish, just like a normal invasion. Stuff will continue to be lost that way, or saved that way. It should not, however, be dictated by vultures and other overcappers who have creature immunity who gets what.

And yes, overcappers will be on bags long before any fellow fighter. They're not hindered by creatures, so they can instantly jump when a bag drops. There's no chance that fellow fighters will be able to help (or jump) their other fighters. Things they should be able to do in THEIR invasion.

And from a moderator perspective, I don't agree with allowing "positive" participation by overcappers because it by default would make more work for us. Enforcing complete no-participation-whatsoever is a lot simpler than having to have regular back-and-forths on who took what bag and was it returned or jumped and such. Mods don't need more shit like that.

IT'S NOT YOUR INVASION, DON'T PARTICIPATE IN ANY WAY. A very simple rule to enforce for overcappers, that ensures the fun remains that of the participants, keeps the growing number of vultures out of the way so as not to become the #1 annoyance of the game, and would make things so much simpler for mods in the long run.

Again, that's not a rule, just what I'm hoping for, as an opinion. Once the rules are decided, as a mod I'll enforce whatever is decided, even if I don't agree with it.

Remember people, should this become a topic of discussion on the forums, that if you want to be an overcapper who positively helps, you have to allow the negative ones as well. Remember that these capped invasions aren't intended for overcappers, they're intended to bring more fun to the lower levels.

You know, that whole thing of adding new stuff to try and keep lower level players from quitting? Yes, that. Getting more people to stay in the game. Overcappers are doing a serious disservice to the game by trying to get involved in these capped invasions, in any way.

The vultures in particular, completely detrimental to the whole point of the capped invasion.

We need to remember these invasions are for those who fit the level criteria, and need to leave it completely to them, in all respects. Overcappers, IT'S NOT FOR YOU, find something else to do. You even have the ability to do things on the same map now, something you couldn't do before. Do your dailies, your harvesting, your laughable pk-boasting about owning KF as you actually sit at VotD storage for hours doing nothing... whatever it is you normally do, do it. The capped invasion is none of your concern, in any way.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Animal (Level Like a Beast)

So much to catch up on here... gonna skip showing every level screenshot as well, things like 8 pics of leveling tailoring in the tailor school are pretty much the same. ;-)

Pear Money

A few ways I've used "extra" gc from pear money for community benefit. 2 more Nobel stones in storage waiting for later use as well.


I finally brought my bot back, and he's been quite active providing good prices for both buying and selling. I do what I can to keep prices on him low, as he's used as a means of easier selling for me, not artificially hiking prices like many others do.


This of course continues to be worked on, both intentionally (there's been poofing of magic essies in school on school days, continued health essie mixing for cheaper experience, etc.) and unintentionally (making essies out of necessity for other skills, such as Energy for poofing Eng Point Defense in school or Life for Summoning Days).

I do eventually want to get a dozen or so more levels in this skill before removing Alchemy goddess, but she's the last one of my current three I plan to remove, thus the least focus of the three.

You advanced to level 132 of alchemy!

Alchemy 132


These continue to still be leveled almost solely on Haidir dailies. I've taken advantage of Sun Tzu on rare occasion, but even then only a couple hours.

You advanced to level 126 of attack!

Attack 126

You advanced to level 126 of defense!

Defense 126


This skill is not a focus at all at this time. In this case though, I'd run low on ings for other skills on a school day during a period that several occured, and only had crafting ings to work with left.

I plan to return to this skill someday, but likely not until after I've gotten Engineering and Manufacturing up and switch gods.

You advanced to level 71 of crafting!

Crafting 71


This has been a priority, being one of my 3 gods, and wanting it (and manu) to be my next 100+ skills. An extreme amount of time was spent in Eng school poofing Point Defense, and as well a lot of mixing of ashes/saltpeter for dyes for tailoring. 2 Nobel Day stones bought and used, and 2 more Nobel Day stones waiting for me to restock my ings.

I'm moving up to poofing "Failure Predictors" from now on though, as I've reached a level where, though Point Defense would still be cheaper, they become an annoying time-consuming way to level even on Nobel days.

Six levels in this skill since my last non-pear post.

You advanced to level 76-81 of engineering!

Engineering 81


Most use PVP to level this via mana drains. As I don't PVP for any reason (my gameplay method), I've had to find other ways. Not that I've been focusing on this much.

Of late as I mentioned in the past, that's primarily been mana drains and radiation shields while sitting on grizzly bear spawns. More expensive and slower than the PVP method, but good for non-PVPers. Use a radiation shield (not beneficial to the bear, just the highest means to using up 30 mana), mana drain and kill the bear (drain 30 mana). Repeat.

This has of course helped with collecting bear furs for Summoning stones as well.

I have other faster though more expensive plans for this skill to level faster, but they won't be started until I switch to this god, which is the next one I plan to take once Manufacturing hits 100.

Until then, the majority of this one level actually came from daily portal room visits (of which there are a lot with pear hunting among other things) and healing.

You advanced to level 77 of magic!

Magic 77


For a while I took a break from this, but have started doing it more again now that I've stabled my gc income a bit.

This is getting leveled through a combo of two means:

1- Big Book of Manufacturing - Unless I'm reading something else, I'm constantly reading these now. 72k experience each with manu god.

2- Leather Helms at Trik - I may go back to using schools for this at some point, but at the moment with using up a lot of gc in other skill schools, this skill needs a cheaper means.

For the helms, I mix a k or 2 at storage, then when making runs to Trik to mix there, I bring a full load of those with me for an additional speed benefit.

Two levels since my last non-pear update.

You advanced to level 82-83 of manufacturing!

Manu 83


These are slow to come by these days, but they do come... the pic is me in Eng school on Nobel day, poofing Point Defense.

Your overall level is now 157!

Manu 81


Summon Days have gotten me to get a few levels in this. Including using a special secret I will never show here, hehe, so I won't be screenshotting those levels. But the below one (for 56) doesn't show that.

Three levels since my last update.

You advanced to level 56-58 of summoning!

Summon 56


For some reason, I chose to focus a lot on this of late... to a point where it's not even one of my two lowest skills anymore, something I thought would never happen.

A huge chunk of my gc spending has been going into this, poofing blue dyes and nowadays blue fabrics in the Tailoring skill school on School Days.

This includes a lot of speed hax use since the school is such a walk from any storage, making it a bit more tolerable to use.

Eight(!) levels since last update!

You advanced to level 52-59 of tailoring!

Tailoring 59

That's all, folks...

This Jack-of-all-trades has continued to work in a variety of skills, focused on them or not. The only skills not represented in this update:

1- Potion - I'm actually close to getting a level, mostly from mixing SRs for use for summoning stones and personal use. I've had no focus on this skill at all.

2- Ranging - Not a focus, though it will be soon, just because I sometimes put focus on my lowest skill and this is it.

3- Harvesting - I have no plans to ever focus on leveling this again. I don't go for high harv experience on new hours, I just harvest what I need as I need it.

Though of late my second harvestable item did hit 1,000,000 harvs... iron. It is now my 2nd 1 million harvs item, just under blue star flowers.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Feast of Pears

I've been more than a bit ill the past couple weeks, thus couldn't be bothered with a lot of stuff, like updating here. Time to play catch-up. This post, pear finds, next other stuff.

And this is a whopper... 39 pears since the last post.

But first, a note: It's getting downright ridiculous that after all this time, there's still people who are completely clueless claiming the pear location is bugged (not random), that I and the other couple regular hunters are cheating somehow, or even worse, "they're too easy to find".

Three responses to that nonsense (as having to hear this stupidity on an almost-daily basis is tiring, and noone is going to be treated nicely who pulls this stupid crap out of their ass from now on):

1- Just like you don't go into an invance or instance unprepared (armor, essies, weapons, whatever else you need), you can't expect to find a pear unprepared either. Those of us who find it, have prepared. That includes learning the maps, learning to handle speed hax, learning patterns to more quickly go from map to map to use finders, learning where there's harvestable items on maps, hidden or otherwise, not just the lazy-learn of "closest to storage" stuff most people learn. That's not stuff you can just grind into levels, that's stuff you have to stop leveling to do. I've done that. You?

Translation: 4+ years of taking time between grinding and training to actually learn the maps inside out finally has a pay-off, and you're only whining in jealousy because you never took the time to do the same "because exploration doesn't give experience". Suck it up, whiner.

2- There's no bugs. For every pear I may happen to stumble on in 10 minutes or less, there's another that someone else gets to first. Or shows up in an unreachable item so noone can get it, a waste of both finders and time, since that can't be determined until all reachable items have been checked.

You're whining because you can see when that "1 minute find" occurs via blue spam message. You're whining because you don't see the time 2 hours was spent checking every reachable harvestable in Palon Vertas only to determine it's in one of a dozen or so unharvestable items, something every pear hunter has to live with and accept.

Suck it up that you just don't have the skills to do it, whiner.

3- And particularly, for you whining whiners who claim it's "obviously too easy" to find the pear... If it's so easy, and considering how much they sell for (and yes, they sell), prove they're too easy to find and hunt yourself. They only take, what, 10 minutes to find... to sell for 60+kgc? Now THAT sounds like a helluva gc influx! Put your finders where your mouth is and prove they're too easy instead of sitting on your lazy damn ass... acting like a lazy damn ass.

Translation: A pile of dung has a more valued opinion than a lazy ass spouting off at the mouth at something they can't do themselves, or even try.

Seriously, if you fall in one of the above lazy whiner camps, your opinion is of no value. To anyone.

Back to the fun of the hunt... 39 pear finds since my last post. I'd considered stopping posting the screenshots for all, but I've had a couple people say they like seeing where the pear has been found, so, here they are.

Secret Spider Cave - If you know it, you know it, I'm not giving away secrets here. It's quite out of the way to check, but has diamonds in it so the pear can show up even here.


Thelinor - Not one of the longest to check, but one of the more difficult with so many slow harv items, thoroughly spread out, and of course keeping an eye out at all times because if you're geared up for a fight, you're not geared for proper pear hunting.


North Redmoon - Red Dragon volcano - Been in here more than a few times. This time since there was someone playing with Big Red, he actually respawned once directly beside me. That kinda thing can mess up pattern-harving. ;-)


Isle of the Forgotten - Happened to be further along in maps to check this time. The 10 minutes it took to find were mostly spent finding the map. Low number of harvestables means it's quickly found after that. In this case, my third harvest.


Desert Pines - Crystal Cave - First time finding it or even looking for it here.


Kilaran Field - As stated before, limited number of harvables here so once you know it's on this map, it's a quick find.


Aeth Aelfan - Lothalith Fortress - This could quite well be one of the nastiest maps to check. Primarily because there's "pots" full of flowers everywhere, each pot containing, I dunno, 15-20 harvable flower items each and it's pretty much impossible to see the individual harvestables. So you may have to click a good 30 times on flowers in a single pot to make sure you hit all 15-20. Only to move on to the next pot. I got very lucky in finding this one.


Irsis - Majority of harvables are inside the city, but you gotta know the external ones, including the random branches everywhere, as well.


Portland - Titanium Cave - Another first time hunting/finding map. Funny in that it was in a piece of titanium directly next to someone who'd been sitting and harvesting there the whole time, on a different piece. You never know just how close it could be, heh.


Trassian - Dra Syn - This is a map you truly need to know to hunt on. Sure, it's easy to find the harvs in the large caves, and in this case it happened to be in one of the most common harv spots. But, do you know all the small caves that have a few quartz or something in them? It has been found in one of those before.


South Kilaran - Carmien Manor - Fast to check once the map is determined since there's very few harvables here. The only obstacle is there's a few hidden harvs, 3 of which can't be reached. (Your explorer challenge is to find the "hidden" harvs I'm mentioning here.)


Imbroglio Islands - Had to invisi myself past a hydro hunter for this one, but that was no big deal. ;-)


North Redmoon - 53 minutes, about 43 of which was harvesting after 10 minutes of looking for the map. This is the kind of effort the whiners don't know about, and why their opinions are worthless.


South Kilaran - Carmien Manor - Again... and for the whiners who think it's always in the same harvs, note despite this being a map of few harvables it's not even in the same place on it.


Port Anitora - Docks - Another first hunt/find map for me. More proof though of how you really need to know your maps, and whether they're harvestable and such.


Bethel - Food Tent - Several caves and other internals for Bethel on this map. It happened to be in a commonly known one in this case, but do you know what's harvestable in the others, or even if they have harvables? That's required knowledge for finding the pear on a hunt.


Kusamura Jungle - A lot of unreachable harvs, combined with both the spread out poison ivy and the several large fruit bunches where it's hard to see if you checked them all make this a particularly difficult map to hunt on.


Nordcarn - Surprisingly, I'd never hunted on this map before either until this time. And got lucky in that it turned up in one of my first few harvs.


South Kilaran Field - One of the quickest maps to check of all the external main maps. Very few harvestables and small map.


Glacmor - Need to clean up my mapmarks here, that map was a first attempt to individually mark each harvable, which makes for a mess. That's there's 4 WALs here is good enough for a single mark.


Idaloran - Mine - Very few harvs (relatively speaking), this map in particular is one where speed hax comes in particularly handy during the actual harvesting part, getting to all the well-spread out harv spots.


Naralik - Or "home" as I call it as I spend so much time here. Of course I know my home map best.


Morcraven Marsh - And yet another first time hunting on a map. I'd begun to wonder if it would ever show up here. This is a bit of a tricky map to check with wide-spread loads of swamp candles, various shrooms, and branches. Including some branches that are set up to look almost like dead trees. Less than a minute spent finding the map (3rd map checked), rest of the time spent running around harving.


Valley of the Dwarves - Gold Cave Level 2 - Yes, lots of gold. But lots of fruit and even white chanterelles as well, as seen in this pic.


Hurquin - Crypt - I'm... not going to show this screenshot. Yes, there's some harvables in here, and this was my first time hunting it in here. But the harvs are tricky to find. I'll leave it to you as a challenge to your exploration skills to find them.

Palon Vertas - Caves - These are maps you truly need to study. Did you know there's dandelions in the cave in the screenshot? a black rose? What's in the other caves and do you know how to access them? PV is an explorer's dream.


Naralik - Again... no real surprises on this map, just need to know where the harvs are, hidden in the tall grass here.


Emerald Valley - Mine - Here there be titanium! ;-)


Hurquin - Cave - Spread out and messy, harv-wise, with a few unreachables. This one wasn't so difficult to find though.


Irinveron - Yet another map I'd never hunted on before. With this, I've now found the pear at least once on every primary map, both c1 and c2. Though there's still quite a few internal maps with harvables that it hasn't shown up in yet, so dunno if it actually will. Just have to keep checking those.


Imbroglio Islands - Hydro Cave - If it's on this map, it's in the hydro as that's the only harvestable. Which meant having some essies for invisibility to slip past any hydro-runnner-harvers. No problem.


Iscalrith - Caves - Yet another first time hunting/finding map. And another odd camera angle due to pieces of ore that can be hidden in the wall out of view in normal angles.


Arius - Considering the plethora of harvables, slow ones in a lot of cases, so heavily spread out here, finding it in 30 minutes was a surprise.


Trassian - Like SKF, one of the easiest external maps to check once you know it's on the map.


Isla Prima - Interesting branches on this map. *sneaks behind Learner to grab the pear*


Palon Vertas - Caves - Again. And this time, not just a different cave, but swords were necessary.


Portland - Besides some unreachables, the only real trick to this map is knowing where the harvs are that are hidden under large trees and such. Though in this case, it wasn't in one of those.


Grubani Peninsula - A shining moment in pure luck. After 8 maps checked, I found it in the 2nd item I harvested, for a killer 1 minute, 16 second find on a map that could easily take so much longer to search.


Okay, that's it. For now. ;-)