And this is a whopper... 39 pears since the last post.
But first, a note: It's getting downright ridiculous that after all this time, there's still people who are completely clueless claiming the pear location is bugged (not random), that I and the other couple regular hunters are cheating somehow, or even worse, "they're too easy to find".
Three responses to that nonsense (as having to hear this stupidity on an almost-daily basis is tiring, and noone is going to be treated nicely who pulls this stupid crap out of their ass from now on):
1- Just like you don't go into an invance or instance unprepared (armor, essies, weapons, whatever else you need), you can't expect to find a pear unprepared either. Those of us who find it, have prepared. That includes learning the maps, learning to handle speed hax, learning patterns to more quickly go from map to map to use finders, learning where there's harvestable items on maps, hidden or otherwise, not just the lazy-learn of "closest to storage" stuff most people learn. That's not stuff you can just grind into levels, that's stuff you have to stop leveling to do. I've done that. You?
Translation: 4+ years of taking time between grinding and training to actually learn the maps inside out finally has a pay-off, and you're only whining in jealousy because you never took the time to do the same "because exploration doesn't give experience". Suck it up, whiner.
2- There's no bugs. For every pear I may happen to stumble on in 10 minutes or less, there's another that someone else gets to first. Or shows up in an unreachable item so noone can get it, a waste of both finders and time, since that can't be determined until all reachable items have been checked.
You're whining because you can see when that "1 minute find" occurs via blue spam message. You're whining because you don't see the time 2 hours was spent checking every reachable harvestable in Palon Vertas only to determine it's in one of a dozen or so unharvestable items, something every pear hunter has to live with and accept.
Suck it up that you just don't have the skills to do it, whiner.
3- And particularly, for you whining whiners who claim it's "obviously too easy" to find the pear... If it's so easy, and considering how much they sell for (and yes, they sell), prove they're too easy to find and hunt yourself. They only take, what, 10 minutes to find... to sell for 60+kgc? Now THAT sounds like a helluva gc influx! Put your finders where your mouth is and prove they're too easy instead of sitting on your lazy damn ass... acting like a lazy damn ass.
Translation: A pile of dung has a more valued opinion than a lazy ass spouting off at the mouth at something they can't do themselves, or even try.
Seriously, if you fall in one of the above lazy whiner camps, your opinion is of no value. To anyone.
Back to the fun of the hunt... 39 pear finds since my last post. I'd considered stopping posting the screenshots for all, but I've had a couple people say they like seeing where the pear has been found, so, here they are.
Secret Spider Cave - If you know it, you know it, I'm not giving away secrets here. It's quite out of the way to check, but has diamonds in it so the pear can show up even here.
Thelinor - Not one of the longest to check, but one of the more difficult with so many slow harv items, thoroughly spread out, and of course keeping an eye out at all times because if you're geared up for a fight, you're not geared for proper pear hunting.
North Redmoon - Red Dragon volcano - Been in here more than a few times. This time since there was someone playing with Big Red, he actually respawned once directly beside me. That kinda thing can mess up pattern-harving. ;-)
Isle of the Forgotten - Happened to be further along in maps to check this time. The 10 minutes it took to find were mostly spent finding the map. Low number of harvestables means it's quickly found after that. In this case, my third harvest.
Desert Pines - Crystal Cave - First time finding it or even looking for it here.
Kilaran Field - As stated before, limited number of harvables here so once you know it's on this map, it's a quick find.
Aeth Aelfan - Lothalith Fortress - This could quite well be one of the nastiest maps to check. Primarily because there's "pots" full of flowers everywhere, each pot containing, I dunno, 15-20 harvable flower items each and it's pretty much impossible to see the individual harvestables. So you may have to click a good 30 times on flowers in a single pot to make sure you hit all 15-20. Only to move on to the next pot. I got very lucky in finding this one.
Irsis - Majority of harvables are inside the city, but you gotta know the external ones, including the random branches everywhere, as well.
Portland - Titanium Cave - Another first time hunting/finding map. Funny in that it was in a piece of titanium directly next to someone who'd been sitting and harvesting there the whole time, on a different piece. You never know just how close it could be, heh.
Trassian - Dra Syn - This is a map you truly need to know to hunt on. Sure, it's easy to find the harvs in the large caves, and in this case it happened to be in one of the most common harv spots. But, do you know all the small caves that have a few quartz or something in them? It has been found in one of those before.
South Kilaran - Carmien Manor - Fast to check once the map is determined since there's very few harvables here. The only obstacle is there's a few hidden harvs, 3 of which can't be reached. (Your explorer challenge is to find the "hidden" harvs I'm mentioning here.)
Imbroglio Islands - Had to invisi myself past a hydro hunter for this one, but that was no big deal. ;-)
North Redmoon - 53 minutes, about 43 of which was harvesting after 10 minutes of looking for the map. This is the kind of effort the whiners don't know about, and why their opinions are worthless.
South Kilaran - Carmien Manor - Again... and for the whiners who think it's always in the same harvs, note despite this being a map of few harvables it's not even in the same place on it.
Port Anitora - Docks - Another first hunt/find map for me. More proof though of how you really need to know your maps, and whether they're harvestable and such.
Bethel - Food Tent - Several caves and other internals for Bethel on this map. It happened to be in a commonly known one in this case, but do you know what's harvestable in the others, or even if they have harvables? That's required knowledge for finding the pear on a hunt.
Kusamura Jungle - A lot of unreachable harvs, combined with both the spread out poison ivy and the several large fruit bunches where it's hard to see if you checked them all make this a particularly difficult map to hunt on.
Nordcarn - Surprisingly, I'd never hunted on this map before either until this time. And got lucky in that it turned up in one of my first few harvs.
South Kilaran Field - One of the quickest maps to check of all the external main maps. Very few harvestables and small map.
Glacmor - Need to clean up my mapmarks here, that map was a first attempt to individually mark each harvable, which makes for a mess. That's there's 4 WALs here is good enough for a single mark.
Idaloran - Mine - Very few harvs (relatively speaking), this map in particular is one where speed hax comes in particularly handy during the actual harvesting part, getting to all the well-spread out harv spots.
Naralik - Or "home" as I call it as I spend so much time here. Of course I know my home map best.
Morcraven Marsh - And yet another first time hunting on a map. I'd begun to wonder if it would ever show up here. This is a bit of a tricky map to check with wide-spread loads of swamp candles, various shrooms, and branches. Including some branches that are set up to look almost like dead trees. Less than a minute spent finding the map (3rd map checked), rest of the time spent running around harving.
Valley of the Dwarves - Gold Cave Level 2 - Yes, lots of gold. But lots of fruit and even white chanterelles as well, as seen in this pic.
Hurquin - Crypt - I'm... not going to show this screenshot. Yes, there's some harvables in here, and this was my first time hunting it in here. But the harvs are tricky to find. I'll leave it to you as a challenge to your exploration skills to find them.
Palon Vertas - Caves - These are maps you truly need to study. Did you know there's dandelions in the cave in the screenshot? a black rose? What's in the other caves and do you know how to access them? PV is an explorer's dream.
Naralik - Again... no real surprises on this map, just need to know where the harvs are, hidden in the tall grass here.
Emerald Valley - Mine - Here there be titanium! ;-)
Hurquin - Cave - Spread out and messy, harv-wise, with a few unreachables. This one wasn't so difficult to find though.
Irinveron - Yet another map I'd never hunted on before. With this, I've now found the pear at least once on every primary map, both c1 and c2. Though there's still quite a few internal maps with harvables that it hasn't shown up in yet, so dunno if it actually will. Just have to keep checking those.
Imbroglio Islands - Hydro Cave - If it's on this map, it's in the hydro as that's the only harvestable. Which meant having some essies for invisibility to slip past any hydro-runnner-harvers. No problem.
Iscalrith - Caves - Yet another first time hunting/finding map. And another odd camera angle due to pieces of ore that can be hidden in the wall out of view in normal angles.
Arius - Considering the plethora of harvables, slow ones in a lot of cases, so heavily spread out here, finding it in 30 minutes was a surprise.
Trassian - Like SKF, one of the easiest external maps to check once you know it's on the map.
Isla Prima - Interesting branches on this map. *sneaks behind Learner to grab the pear*
Palon Vertas - Caves - Again. And this time, not just a different cave, but swords were necessary.
Portland - Besides some unreachables, the only real trick to this map is knowing where the harvs are that are hidden under large trees and such. Though in this case, it wasn't in one of those.
Grubani Peninsula - A shining moment in pure luck. After 8 maps checked, I found it in the 2nd item I harvested, for a killer 1 minute, 16 second find on a map that could easily take so much longer to search.
Okay, that's it. For now. ;-)
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