Friday, August 30, 2013

500th Pear Find

First started hunting in July 2012, about a month after pear finders were introduced.

There were a couple months in there that I wasn't playing.

August 2013, I made my 500th pear find. The lucky map: Isle of the Forgotten.

500th Pear Find

Competition comes and goes, some better than others, but the hunter goes on and on...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Exploring Guild Maps VI - {FD}

Notice: This is just a look at some of the guild maps that have been made for Eternal Lands. This blog provides no secrets.
The entrances to these maps and any secrets to get around them will never be posted, nor will I provide them so don't ask.

View all Guild Map exploration via the Guildmaps tag.

{FD}, Fire Dragons, is an old but still-active guild, primarily consisting of German-speakers.

Guard Bot: No

PK: No. Small PK island at the start, and several well-marked arenas spread out throughout the map.

An interesting map with a few tricks to getting in once you find it, though not as difficult as a few others I've found.

Here's where you enter...


Dead dragon is dead.


View from the ship where you enter the main map.


Where Fire Dragons go after being PK'ed.


I tried to play volleyball, but couldn't find a ball. Or opponents.


Doin' the Isle Thing.


A break, to get a tan.


It's almost never a complete guild map without a glitch. Where you end up when you try to get in the tower...


Some outer scenery.


"Ranging Arena" (all arenas are just standard PK arenas, despite their names)


Grabbing a tan on yet another beach. Fire Dragons seem to be slackers. ;-)


View from outside the city walls.


Going from ship to shore here is nothing short of magical... tele-to-range magical.


Inside the city walls are a ton of houses. The majority are "owned" by FD members from back when the map was made. The majority no longer play, though a few names are still active. Of those, many are now in other guilds.

First up, the house of Toedele.


The house of KommerzGandalf.


The house of Yariel.


The house of Leela and Neutrin0.


The house of SruwelPeter.


This person has moved away.


The house of Jinxie.


The house of Vatel and Tatjana.


The house of blueboy. Apparently he was very poor. Sold his furnishings to pay for his bone powder addiction or something.


The house of greypal. Currently still an administrating member of {FD}.


A quick break from all the houses... here's a look at inside the city. At, well, the houses.


The house of Reisender.


This house is for rent, only 1kgc per month. Unfurnished.


The house of LadyLissa and Dopee.


Noone lives here.


Another view of inside the city walls.


R.I.P. - The house of the late Cyberwulf.


House of the unknown owner.


The house of Gualtamat.


No more houses! *phew* Now into a separate area. Decisions, decisions...


ZOMG, statues! I are scared!


"Magic Arena" (as stated before, all arenas are standard PK arenas)


Very poor protection of the guild's riches. I can easily slip my arm through the bars and grab some gc. Ha ha!


Ah, the tavern.


If a guild map has "leader" chairs like this, I always have to sit in the head chair to show my dominion over the map. *ebul*


Two more PK arenas.


And okay, that's pretty much it. Not a bad map. Just... make sure you don't end up here. ;-)


Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Overpricers Are Trying to Kill Themselves

Not that I normally personally buy any of these specific things on market (though I do on rare occasion), but since the prices stabilised after the last bout of greed, a new wave of greed has been noticed on market... primarily in the iron, coal, and FE area.

Fortunately the "greed disease" hasn't heavily caught on yet, but there's a few who are trying it.

Now, there's been greed rounds in the past, but this one is taking things to a step of no return. A step that takes the greedy ones into battle with NPC prices, which don't change so it's a definite losing battle.

Let's take a look at what I'm talking about. The current stable prices of these three items are:

iron - 4gc
coal - 2.5gc
FE - 5gc

Not including food, that totals for bars to:

iron bar - 45.5gc
steel bar - 59.5gc

Right, what's the NPC price for these bars?

iron bar - 50gc
steel bar - 70gc

So at those prices for the ings, there's some leeway to make a profit, though not by much once you include mixing food and lost ings while mixing.

NPC Bar Prices

Why do these matter so much? Because the bars are hardly the endgame. Bars -> S2Es -> the holy hydro grail. These bars are just ings, just like the ings used to make them.

Upsetting the price of the lowest ings affects the price of these bars (which have an NPC sell price limit), in turn affecting the price of S2Es, in turn affecting the price of hydro bars (also have an NPC sell price limit).

So there's actually 2 NPC price limits involved with these three primary ings. The second those ing prices go above either NPC sell cost, the entire chain will get wiped out.

And that means that iron, coal, and FEs, currently methods many use to make gc by harving/mixing, will die off. Sure, some will still sell, but nowhere near how they do currently. Which means they'll lose their usefulness in gc making.

How the Overpricers are Ruining Their Own Product

Having shown "the NPC factor" above, any harvester or FE-maker with a bit of common sense should easily grasp that hiking prices at this point is going to hurt their own business. If it's cheaper to just buy something from the NPC, that's what will happen. We see it already with things like spirit essences, health essences, and so on.

Iron and Steel Bars are the primary use of these 3 ingredients. It makes good business sense for the ing providers to keep the cost of those ings below what the NPC will sell the bars for.

But some don't quite grasp that. Names removed to protect the ignorant:

[----- @ 3]: selling 10k coal at 2,75ea , ... , 5k fes at 5,2ea
[------ @ 3]: selling 1.25k iron ore 4.8k pm me
[------- @ 3]: selling 10k iron 4.5 each

Those are just samples of recent ads seen on market. Other pricing by the greed patrol has been about the same.

Let's assume the iron hike is to 4.5gc, and use the coal/FE prices in the first ad.

That would make the bars (without food):

iron bar - 50.15gc
steel bar - 65.35gc

Those prices alone already killed the iron bar. 50.15gc for ings, add to that food cost, and you've made a grand case to just buy the iron bars from the NPC at 50gc.

Steel bars aren't far behind. Combined with food and ing loss during mixing, these prices are starting to make the case for just buying the bars directly from the NPC.

The Basic Gist

Simply put: If more people start buying bars from the NPC, less are buying iron, coal, and FEs from you.

Keep that in mind next time you think you're bright by overpricing basic ings. And yes, your name gets noticed when you show your greed so publicly. For every 1 person you've sold to, 3-4 have probably added you to a don't-buy-from list.

I know I have. I trust noone who so blatantly shows their greed, especially when it's to their own detriment in a case like this.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Exploring Guild Maps V - LLL

Notice: This is just a look at some of the guild maps that have been made for Eternal Lands. This blog provides no secrets.
The entrances to these maps and any secrets to get around them will never be posted, nor will I provide them so don't ask.

View all Guild Map exploration via the Guildmaps tag.

LLL, Lords and Ladies of Legend, is another long-running guild that still has some active members, though not as active as it once was.

Guard Bot: No

PK: No. One small PK arena, and one small section on entering (presumably where a guard bot once was placed).

This guild map is full of buildings... you just can't enter them. It's a very old map, and apparently broke during a past major update with noone bothering to fix it.

Should correct that, two of the buildings may actually be entered. However, due to the map breakage, once you enter, you can't get back out. (You'll have to teleport or use a ring to get out.)

If you happen to find this map, keep that in mind and be stocked if you attempt to enter buildings.

For that reason, there's only so much to show and little to say about this map. I'll post some comments to start with on the first few images, but the rest I'll just post as "showing around" with no comments. At the end, the two enterable buildings.

Here's where you enter...


The entrance portal leads here to the main map. Every image shown below is an area you can walk to on this main map except the final two building shots.


Here's your guild lettering, as seems to be obligatory on every guild map.


And the obligatory PK arena to the left, conveniently opposite the official LLL outhouse. ;-)


And well... here's a bunch of screenies to show you around. Not much else to say here.



Oh right... this ship is the exit, used normally. As for the building across from it... it's not even walkable, much less enterable. Methinks this map wasn't fully finished in the first place.













Finally, a peek at the only two of the many buildings that can be entered.