Saturday, August 3, 2013

Exploring Guild Maps IV - PIGS

Notice: This is just a look at some of the guild maps that have been made for Eternal Lands. This blog provides no secrets.
The entrances to these maps and any secrets to get around them will never be posted, nor will I provide them so don't ask.

View all Guild Map exploration via the Guildmaps tag.

^@^, The PIGS Guild, has been around for a very long time. Once thriving, there's not as many members today but several are still quite active.

Guard Bot: Yes - Dzik

PK: Yes. If you find the entrance. you're safe on first entry. The guard bot of course is in a PK area though. A good 98% of the rest of the map is PK as well. Very few non-pk spots. If those non-pk spots didn't exist, I'd have sworn the map creator just didn't know how to make certain areas PK. Apparently it's intentional, and makes no sense.

This guild map is, surprise of surprises, shaped like a big pig. And it's big. The largest of the guild maps I've posted in the blog so far. For that reason, more screenies below for it than previous ones.

1) You start off on a ship. (Exit by using the ship should you happen to find the entrance.)


2) Just a bit in, and you'll be "greeted" by their guard bot. Which for some reason isn't part of their guild.


3) Beyond that, we head to the main map via a lone tiny non-pk area.


4) That door leads to a house...


5) Which leads out to the main map.


6) There's quite a few small houses and various buildings of this nature.


7) Several places to rest and relax. Though don't get too relaxed, should someone else be around. As I said, majority of the map, including insides, is PK.


8) Obligatory meeting area with obligatory thrones. I just have to deem myself the map king by sitting in them for each map, hehe.


9) Another building.


10) And another building.


11) Suddenly hitting an ice area. You'd think it would be cold here, but nope. But Pigs on Ice?


12) The domestic habits of pigs is... eating fruit in the cold?


13) ZOMG, they stole Xmas!


14) Okay, enough of the cold. Ooooh, another building.


15) Dead piggies.


16) Hmmm, this is an odd-looking spot. A cave that's walled up, with torches... Perhaps an ebul beast once lived there.


17) This is the very definition of redundant. A PK arena. The entire map is PK, including even the area around the arena, and you still need a PK arena?


18) Yet another building.


19) Yet another building.


20) I need a break. *sits*


21) A crypt. For more dead piggies.


22) Wait, wasn't I just in an ice area? Suddenly tropical.


23) "Now you can feast and fight!" Seriously, couldn't even make a side food room non-pk.


24) Map creator did seem to have issues with handling heights for walking paths. Several glitches like this one... you can't walk up the gangway to the ship, you have to tele-to-range to get where I am.


25) This "arena" (yeah, entire surrounding area is PK so it's pointless) also has the same glitch. Other side has what should be steps to walk up to it, but they can't be used.


26) I need another break. This spot I'm sure is intentionally so you have to tele-to-range to get on the hammock.


27) A secluded kinda-secret spot. Not secret enough, heh.


28) Another shot of the secluded area.


29) The person who made this pier was incredibly drunk. (Really it's the tail of the pig. As I mentioned, the map is pig-shaped.)


30) The majority of the map looks more like this, swampy wooded area. Just one shot of it, as the rest generally looks the same.


31) It's a large map, as I said. Should you need the outhouse, it's here.


32) That outhouse was behind this house. With all the enterable buildings, you'd think you could go in this one as well. But... nope.


33) Temple of the Pig.


34) Yet another building. This one highlights their alcoholic nature.


35) One last internal area, a secret underground passage.


36) That's all... and be careful, you don't wanna end up behind bars.


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