Friday, April 18, 2014

Different Settings for Different Alts

Note: These are instructions for Linux. You should be able to do similar on your system though.

Since the rule 5 removal, and more people setting up alts, the question of how to have different settings for different characters' EL windows has come up more often.

While different characters have separate counters and such, all open client windows use the same settings file.

However, you may not want that for all your characters. You might want one larger window for your main character, and smaller windows with lower FPS or such for background harvesters.

There's a simple little trick you can do to allow this.

1- Adjust your servers.lst file

main            main    2000    Main game server
main2            main2    2000    Alternate Main
official        official    2000    Main game serverpk              pk      2002    PK game server
test            test    2001    Test server
lrnr-main       main     443     Learner's redirection service for the Main game server

Open your servers.lst file.  It is in your game data directory ( /usr/share/games/elc/ for example).

In it, you'll see lines like the above. Except... the alt1 row.

Add a line like that to your servers.lst file. You'll note that it points to the exact same server and port as "main".

(You can name it whatever you like, not just "main2". Substitute main2 with whatever you name it in further instructions.)


By saving it there, you don't need to be root... and as well, if you re-install or there's a client update, it won't get overwritten.

Save it directly in ~/.elc, not in any of its subfolders like main.

2- Create a copy of files from ~/.elc/main/ to ~/.elc/main2/ (optional)

You'll want to do this if you've already been playing alts and want to keep your stats for them.

In your ~/.elc/ folder, there's a "main" directory.

Look in the main directory.

a. Copy all files where the name of your alt(s) are part of the file, to a second directory at ~/.elc/main2/ .

b. Copy the "maps" folder over to main2 as well (these are your mapmarkers).

c. Copy the elc.cfg and elc.ini files.

3- Logging in your alt(s)

Log in your main character as usual. Ex:

However, any alts you wish to have a different setting for should be logged in with:
 /usr/bin/el.x86_64.linux.bin main2

Adding that "main2" afterwards will make it use the ~/.elc/main2/ folder instead of /main/, thus allowing you to have different settings for any characters that are played using the main2 command.

You can set up icons on your desktop that directly call the main2 command or such, for simple usage. Or whatever is best for the desktop system you use.

Q: What if I want 3 characters to have 3 different window settings?
A: Repeat the above, using "main3" where "main2" is. And so on.

Sorry, I cannot help you if you're on Windows or Mac. The above should be doable, just the locations of your directories will be different.

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