The Crafting is gone, the Alchemy Goddess is back.
Though ironically enough, while working on items for the Alchemy quests, I came only 2k experience away from a crafting level. So I went ahead and finished it off with some moon medallion ings:
You advanced to level 44 of crafting!
After getting those quests done, it was back to harving ings for eventual nexus buying. Got my stock of roses and snaps up to 30k each. That took pretty much what was left of the day.
Except when the Ranging Day was added for an hour and a half or so. Muled close to 1800 bolts to the packed arena and am now only 8k from my next ranging level.
Today: Yet more harving. Need to finish my coal stock off (plus some of it went to making stuff for the alch goddess quests so I gotta restock that). And then I guess it's making 30k of FEs. *shiver*
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