Two days ago though, I finally finished mining all the iron I needed to make the bars for my S2Es for my hydro for my "buy my first nexus" project.
And during that...
You advanced to level 90 of harvesting!
Yesterday, I spent most of the morning mixing iron and steel bars in Irsis storage. During which, one guy decided to flood the storage with 10-15 summoned skunks. *sigh*
But after that was the real tick-off. I went offline after getting all the bars mixed, only to come back on to... Joule. 5 hours of it, and I'd already mixed all my bars earlier! Grrrrrr.
So, I mixed the S2Es... 525 total with no ing loss! *kisses the 64 next to his manu level*
And I continued by mixing everything I possibly could that was alch-related. Even had to go harv some HE ings just to finish off the level, but:
You advanced to level 106 of alchemy!
Just in the nick of time, as I was missing at least 1 ing for every possible thing to alch mix as I hit the level, hehe.
Switched to potions a bit, but low on ings for those as well. Eventually ended up on engineering, with indicator ings being the only thing I had decent stock of. Joule ended as I was 3k away from the level, so I just kept going:
You advanced to level 38 of engineering!
After days of almost nothing but harvesting, it felt good to let the power-leveler in me come out with those three levels. But that wasn't enough. I had two other things that were close to a level, so I headed out to the Melinis fluffies...
Your overall level is now 128!
Which led to a trip to the wraith. Then back to the fluffies some more:
You advanced to level 92 of defense!
NOW my inner power-leveler is happy, hehe.
Anyway, now that I got the S2Es made, it's a matter of finally making those hydro runs. When to do that... well, I am not saying here until after I've done them, hehe. Could be tomorrow, could be next week. Haven't actually decided yet.
Meanwhile, I got a few other things I want to work on...
- next potion level (I'm harving stuff for that now)
- More time on the fluffs to get a few more a/d levels (and build up for another OA)
- Finally get my 30th summon level so I'll have access to the summon command menu
- Save up gc to buy a human removal stone (my next big money pit project)
- Freshen up my personal stock of C1 rings (I make a load of them every once in a while which last a while for personal use)
Or with any luck, harv one of those last babies... 4.5 million harvs in my stats and no nexus stones, so I'm not holding my breath on that.
At any rate, hopefully doing something more than just harving and harving and harving like of mostly done the past week and more. Thoughts that I need to do that 9 more times to get all the Nexus I want are just... um... some other time, perhaps, heh.
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