Offline or AFK a lot the past few days. Had some real life stuff to do. That does get in the way on occasion. ;)
When I have been on, it's been either harving or mixing the almost 30k of Fire Essences that I need for my nexus-buy project.
With those mixed and the coal harved, I'll now be spending quite a long while at the EVTR iron mining to make the steel bars. Mixing at the iron some, and some just taking iron to storage so I have some on hand in the event of a good mixing Special Day.
About 1.5 hours of Robin Tell day this morning, so took advantage of that. As did quite a few others that can be seen below.
You advanced to level 36 of ranging!
Was there a bit longer than the day to finish off all the bolts I muled. Got about 1/3 of the way to the next level by the time I was done.
Anyway, with that no more ranging leveling for a while. Gotta save the gc for necessities while working on the bars for buying a nexus.
And with that, it's back to the iron mine. At least there's finally a general store in EVTR now (at the "egg stand" between the bookseller and KJ exit if you don't know) so pickaxes are nearby for purchase. I'll need a few for 70k+ iron...
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