Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Fourth Release of BurnedMaps Unofficial Tab Maps Available!

It's been a while, but the 1.9.4-004 release of BurnedMaps can now be downloaded.

A lot of work behind the scenes went into this one, as I completely rewrote my code which automatically builds 95% of what's on the maps. This done because I switched underlying graphic programs so as to be able to do more detailed work, and as well the code can now produce maps of varying sizes, which allows for 1024px maps.

The Biggest Updates in this release:

* Resized to 1024px. Those who got white screens instead of maps with previous releases should have no problem with these. (I may provide a higher-resolution pack like the 1536px maps used in previous releases if there's demand, but these should not really look much different for most all players unless full-screen with high resolution.)

* Ring-in and Beam-in locations have been added to the maps

* Rewritten coding used to help create the maps as well as tweaked graphics have made for improved graphics on the maps.

* Multiple exit/entrance spots had missing or incorrect texts fixed.

* Tweaked coloring of PK/School/Fast Read/etc. areas.

And more! Full list in the changelog on the download page.

Get them here! Download Maps page

Saturday, August 1, 2015

EL-Wiki's Missing Forum and How to Reach It



The el-wiki forums are back as of August 5th. This script is no longer necessary.

If you were using the script, you should delete it.


As most know, EL Wiki can now be accessed, but only if you make sure to include "www." at the start of the domain. ->

The forum remains inaccessible. Though with a bit of a hack, it can be reached (until whoever's behind el-wiki finally fixes the issue.)

Greasemonkey /Tampermonkey Users: 

How to Gain Access to the Forum


Why the Forum Can't Be Reached

The forum remains inaccessible because subdomain, where the forum is accessed, has not been set up to show it as it did before. An oversight of whoever's behind the server these days.

But the Forum Is Still There

However, the forum exists at (but that's the only page you can see, and it's broken because everything on it points to "smf."

Make the Forum Useable With Greasemonkey / Tampermonkey

The below script will change all references to, and works.


1. Add the below script to Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Chrome).
(I do not provide support for these extensions. If you don't know how to use them, find someone else who does.)

2. Go to Click the "Forum" link on the left side menu which should take you to . If it doesn't, your script is not set up properly.

3. Important about Logging In: When you enter your username and password on the forum with this, you'll end up going to the "503 error" page we're all familiar with by now. It's okay! Just hit "back" to the previous page where you entered your user/pass, and click to refresh the page. You should see that you're logged in at the top right, and all forums should be visible.

4. Important about Posting: Like the login, when you post you'll get the 503 page. However, if you back up to the thread you were posting in and reload the page, your post should be there.

DELETE THIS SCRIPT when becomes accessible again.

Add what is between the asterisk lines (not the asterisk lines themselves)

// ==UserScript==
// @name           EL-Wiki Forum Temp Fix
// @namespace
// @description    convert to
// @include*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

var links,thisLink;

links = document.evaluate("//script[@src]",
for (var i=0;i    var thisLink = links.snapshotItem(i);

    thisLink.src = thisLink.src.replace('',

links = document.evaluate("//link[@href]",
for (var i=0;i    var thisLink = links.snapshotItem(i);

    thisLink.href = thisLink.href.replace('',
links = document.evaluate("//a[@href]",
for (var i=0;i    var thisLink = links.snapshotItem(i);

    thisLink.href = thisLink.href.replace('',
links = document.evaluate("//img[@src]",
for (var i=0;i    var thisLink = links.snapshotItem(i);

    thisLink.src = thisLink.src.replace('',

links = document.evaluate("//form[@action]",
for (var i=0;i    var thisLink = links.snapshotItem(i);

    thisLink.action = thisLink.action.replace('',


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Long Since Updated, so... OA 176, Alchemy 145 and more

I went full-on map editing for several months, limiting my play to mostly just dailies. A break to deal with real-life. And Acelon and I have already gone through map plans for 1.9.5.

So I haven't actually done an update on gameplay since October 22nd. Doh! I've more recently gotten back into play, when I can...

Triple-digit count on number of invdrags killed.

Double Invdrag

Pear hunting finally hit the four-digit mark and still going.

1000 Pears

And I sat in an egg's icky whites... thanks to a secret I added as part of 1.9.4, hehe. If you haven't found this, you haven't found all that I added to the maps for that release.

Inside the Egg

Also did a heavy increase in Lenny kills. I haven't actually hunted him in years, having been stuck at just under 100 kills for that reason. But finding him while hunting invdrags has led to getting that number up to 148.

Inside the Egg

LEVELING since Oct. 22nd...

This has been a challenge, with levels in most every skill so high already, and limited play time the last 8 or so months. But several numbers have gone up since the last update.

I'll stick to just one image per skill, heh. Though several have gone up multiple levels.

These went surprisingly fast considering I spent several months doing only dailies, and more time not playing at all. Only 3 to go.

Your overall level is now 174-175-176!

Overall 176

And my favorite:

You advanced to level 144-145 of alchemy!

Alchemy 145

So this happened as well. Amber stock is a Very Good Thing.

You advanced to level 124-125-126-127 of engineering!

Engineering 127

These were all surprisingly done solely using the daily. I just haven't had time to actually work on it, though I do intend to until I at least hit 100. I've got the god and all.

You advanced to level 82-83-84-85-86-87 of summoning!

Summoning 87

Attack and Defense, of course thanks to dailies.

You advanced to level 143-144-145 of attack!

Attack 145

You advanced to level 143-144-145-146 of defense!

Defense 146

Now this... the Invdrag heavily contributed to advancing magic. Rather than playing with TS pots to find it, I used the magic spell instead. This led to a nice load of magic experience killing over 100 of them. Leads to experience in alch and potion as well for the essies and SRs.

You advanced to level 89-90-91 of magic!

Magic 91

Most all of this skill has solely been leveled while mixing leather stuff for Daritha daily. Thus it's been a year or two since the last level.

You advanced to level 101 of manufacturing!

Manufacturing 101

With the high levels of previous skills, this looks sad. Though considering the difficulty in getting ranging levels, it's actually pretty good.

You advanced to level 73 of ranging!

Ranging 73

The Future

I'm actually already back at work on getting the maps for 1.9.5 put together. Though not devoting all my time to it like the last release since we've got plenty of time to get done what we've planned.

But as far as play goes, plans include:
- continue occasional invdrag hunting
- continue occasional pear hunts
- Get summoning to 100
- Get magic to 100
- Um... other stuffs ;-)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

1.9.5 Work Begins

Map work plans have been laid out for the next client, after multiple talks with Acelon about where to go with the next release.

Having now had a break from the map editor for a while, it's time to start working on said plans.

With 1.9.4, I spent an astronomical amount of time going through every individual map, "cleaning up" the height tiling and other issues. This time, that's done, so I can focus primarily on adding new stuff. There are of course minor fixes to be done throughout the maps, but that's little time spent.

And new stuff, oh my.

We're aiming for around Jan-Feb 2016, so 7-8 months to work. A good thing since the "entire" map team is myself, and Acelon when he's able to get things done.

Like last time, I can't state much about what's planned, but some hints:

1) One current C2 map is getting a massive overhaul. New buildings, new paths, design work redone, and one particular addition that many will very much welcome.

2) Another current C2 map is getting "built up". A ton of new things added to it, and changes to what's already there.

3) Assuming Acelon has the time, he'll have a major brand new addition that will definitely be interesting.

4) A new building somewhere that it should have been added a long time ago.

5) The "ultimate secret" place. Unlike any secret seen before.

6) A current "building" on C1 to be demolished and completely rebuilt.

7) A possible new major cave system, with at least one item of interest within it.

And possibly more.

Or less. All plans subject to change depending on time constraints due to real life.

#2 will definitely get done, as I've already started work on it. #1 is pretty much guaranteed as well as I've already planned a lot of it.

C3? Before talk of that starts... no, it's not happening. Building an entire new continent is way outside of the realm of possibility with just two people. And after talks, was deemed simply extraneous as the player base these days is already well spread out with just the current two. While that doesn't mean there won't be new maps in the future, there won't be an entire new major continent.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Third Release of BurnedMaps Now Available!

If you're using a lower-resolution setting for EL, and you couldn't read the text on my previous map releases, this is the update for you!

That's fixed now with my third release. Better fonts and font sizes make the text more clear. A 1024x768 user should have no problem reading now. Even a 640x480 (seriously, get a new computer) user should be able to read, if barely. There's only so much that can be done for such a tiny setting.

Besides every map, the Legend was also improved for legibility. Mineral/ore marks are larger, NPCs are properly color-coded for gen stores, taverns, etc.

See release notes and sample maps on the Download Page.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Updated BurnedMaps Unofficial Maps - 002 Released!

As I mentioned, the 1.9.4-001 release of my BurnedMaps was very hastily done.

I have just released 1.9.4-002, which has some drastic improvements over the first release.

See release notes and a sample map on the Download Page.

Monday, May 11, 2015

New Tab Maps for 1.9.4

I rushed them together so they're a bit messy in their first release, but there are now tab maps available that include new locations added with the 1.9.4 client.

Better versions to come later...

Download Maps page

Monday, April 20, 2015

No Responses to Invdrag or Pear PMs

For some reason, far too many people got it in their heads that I'm the "go-to" guy for Invdrag quesions, comments, and so on.

I'm not. The number of PMs I get regularly from an I-quit-counting number of people has grown tiring. The problem was that I was responding for a long time. The solution was to stop responding to anything even remotely related to it.

So regardless of who you are, my days of being the answer guy about this thing are over. I've provided all the info I will provide. If I choose to provide more, it will be on the wiki page for it.

These are my "official" responses to the most common things PMed me:

1. Are they both dead?

This wonderful question gets asked at all times of the day, and is by far the primary one asked.

My answer: I don't know.

There's a delusion in this question that I somehow know this. I have woken up to 5-6 people PMing me asking me this, so even in my sleep I'm somehow aware.

I wish.

Reality check: That whining about having to go hunt "only to find dead ones" and such is the EXACT same thing I have to do when I hunt. It's not something special or unique to you.

The difference is I eventually find one or more that's alive because I don't just give up because of that. A dead one? Hmmm, what info can I gather from that, and improve later hunts? Nothing? Oh, there's a second one, I'll go look for it.

I do on very rare chance end up knowing that both are dead? That's the best info. However, it's an incredibly rare time that I actually know that for certain.

The point is: By asking me this, you're expecting to gain knowledge based on my work. My time, my effort, my resources. Instead of looking yourself.

That's just lazy, and I've tired of the lazy acting like I'm some partner. If you want the answer to this, go look for yourself. Chances are that I have no idea anyway.

2. You're hunting, so I'll give up.

I'm not responsible for your gameplay. I have no special knowledge, and my chances of finding one alive are just as equal as yours.

If you give up just because I'm looking, that's fucking sad on your part. And I don't want to know, nor do I care. That's your problem, you give up too easily.

People who do this are a big reason why I do end up finding so many, I don't give up that easily.

3. What maps have you found them on?

Various maps. Limiting yourself to known maps (ones posted in channel 6 or such) is going to make it all that more difficult for you.

I'm not the only regular hunter, there are several others. And guess exactly which maps I always see them on?

Chances are because I didn't focus on just those maps that I now know more maps than others. That's my advantage, out of sheer determination. Still I highly doubt I know every map it'll appear on.

Make it your advantage by hunting yourself.

My hunting means nothing to you. I can find one every hour some days, others I can go 4-5 hours without spotting a single one, dead or alive. Welcome to the nature of randomness, and I'm not in the game to help you with something that's just as much a problem for me as it is you.

Go hunt for yourself. From now on I'm giving the same help that I get... none.

And I'm perfectly fine with that.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Invisible Dragons and Wet Diapers

So we got a new creature in yesterday's server update. After several hours of some of the best "hunters" in the game looking for it, myself included, thoughts went back to how I'd suggested an invisible huntable creature years ago.

With that in mind, I started using true sight on main C2 maps and running around. Out of luck, I actually ran into this new creature in NRM. Turned out to be an invisible dragon (size of a little blue).

With more luck, as it turns out it can poof and change maps before you kill it, I managed to kill him before he did so.

Invisible Dragon

Invisible Dragon

That drop was a banana (use currently unknown) and 11,662 gc. Not bad at all!

I spent most of the rest of the day trying to hunt it down, but was unable to find it again. Only one other person managed to kill it the whole day.

Difficulty: Very High - and in a rare twist, not due to a/d like most everything else added these days, but due to how hard he is to find.

Reward: Perfect for such a difficulty level.

This is possibly the most unique creature to be added to the game in a very long time. Requires a style very different from everything else to hunt it down. It finally gives a good regular everyday use for True Sight potions and magic.

I'm looking forward to trying to hunt him down again in the future. It's great to finally have something added to the game that's not geared solely towards people with high a/d, but actually provides a challenge instead.

Wet Diapers

But of course, people with wet diapers hate challenges. They want the exact same shit, handed to them on a plate. Anything that involves them actually having to look for something makes them pee their diapers even more.

Fuck each and every one of them.

Waaaaaah! It's not what I want! Waaaaaaaah! Fucking Waaaaaaaaah!

Radu may have been in error in calling it an "endgame" creature, but that's no excuse whatsoever for the childish whining that followed because of it. Channel 6 has far too many 5-year-olds still in diapers.

Shit gets added all the time that I can do absolutely nothing with. Hell, even with this update (though we think it's broken on the NPC), the new powerups that act somewhat like saving stones. I'll never use them because I don't do the Luxin quests which are required to get them.

You won't see me fucking crying like my diaper's wet over them, though. Nor that I can't handle little pink dragons. Nor any other addition over the past few years that's well beyond my ability to do.

If you don't like or can't do something, you just don't do it. Others can, and trying to ruin *their* experience is the ultimate form of childishness.

This shit happens with everything that's unique and different. These crying little shits can't handle such things. They want something that's exactly the same, requiring the exact same gameplay, and if that diverts in even the slightest way, their tears are rolling.

Almost everything new that is unique risks removal solely because of these crying fuckers.

I have a better suggestion for radu: For the crying fuckers that wanted an "endgame" creature, just end their fucking game. That's what they want, give it to them.

Personally I don't like the term "endgame" in any way used for EL.

Shit, in about two weeks we get a client update including new map additions. Three of the largest additions were designed with high a/d-ers and invasioners in mind. Two of those were my idea. Despite the fact that I rarely participate in invasions and certainly don't do high-a/d things, I added things anyway that I'd personally have little use for.

Why? Because I'm not the only player, nor is my play style the only acceptable one in a game like this.

They should be happy I don't take their childish approach. If I did, the only map changes would end up being for harvers and mixers. I don't stoop so low as to fuck up the game for everyone else.

Whiny fuckers, you're the problem with EL. And I truly hope radu takes my suggesting to end the game for anyone whining they want an "endgame" item to heart, instead of ruining what is an excellent new addition over you whiny little twits.

If we lose this excellent new addition over these whiny fucks, I'll have to rethink what I want to spend months working on when the time comes for 1.9.5. I don't want to be adding more for the same people who take away from the game for others. They're not worth wasting my time on.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Some New Stuff in (coming) 1.9.4

Okay, people keep pestering me, so I'll give *some* info on new stuff that's coming, but not all.

* Dragon Island - A new island about the size of IotF, where dragons roam free. Single combat, and all 4 dragons are represented. Some secret insides include the introduction of spawns for little dragons, pink and blue.

* The Waveneck Challenge - A new entrance inside Waveneck Caves leads to the challenge corridors. Uses 1 rosto to get in. As you walk through the challenge corridor, critters of increasing difficulty and/or number appear. Kill everything and make it to the end and you get your rosto back along with an added bonus.

* Leprechaun homeland - Ever wondered where those leprechauns actually come from? It's a secret land, and can now be found. (A game involving their gold is being planned for later addition.)

* A second Hydro Home - Due to complaints about there being only one place to harvest it, a second location for hydro has been added. This one has no PK! However, it has of course been made difficult in other ways. It's up to you to figure out which is worse. And up to you to find it... several secrets along the path including where the path starts. And I don't give away secrets. ;-)

There are a good dozen other additions, large and small, but that's a taste of what's to come.

If you're one of the smart ones who has grabbed the Release Candidate, you can use it and hop onto the Test server to start hunting out some of these places!

(Pssst... Note the date at the top. Yes, this was April Fool's nonsense. There are, however, a LOT of new additions and updates coming very soon. Just not these.)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Almost Done!

Continuing to be quiet as I'm still not heavily playing. Mostly dailies and an occasional pear hunt.

Map working is finally coming to an end. The first major map test (getting more eyes on them besides me and actually using them on Test server) is complete. Spending this weekend doing some final adjustments and taking care of any bugs found, but generally the test went very well.

We'll be doing a second test with all the work I'm doing now this coming week.

All indicators are currently pointing to us accomplishing our goal of finally getting the 1.9.4 client release out before the end of March.

(That's the goal, appearances indicate we'll get it, but nothing I say should be set in stone as it's not my final decision, and as well unforseen issues could happen.)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Still Busy...

Other than sometimes logging in briefly to do some dailies, I've mostly been out of the game.

Real life for some part, the other being that I've still been continuing to get map work done for the coming release.

Still can't discuss any of the new stuff, but there is a bit of it. And some old areas that got removed have been restored, some with makeovers.

Down to the last few things to get done now. Assuming all goes well we could very well finally see the 1.9.4 release within a month. ... Don't quote me on that, it's not my final decision. But based on what's left to do, and time for testing, it's a reasonable guess.

Meanwhile, back to work to make that happen.