Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bears Are Magical, Doubly So

Finished making essies for radiation shields yesterday. Went and mana drained some bears afterwards, doing a radiation shield after each bear.

You advanced to level 57 of magic!

Magic Level 57

Continued for a while, then went to bed. This morning, I went back to them. Ran out of essies with just one shield away from a level, so I did one at storage:

You advanced to level 58 of magic!

Magic Level 58

Sweet. Never really worked on magic like this before, so seeing two levels in under 24 hours is nice considering I normally don't even get one a week.

I'll continue the magic training later, doing it in batches of about 500 bears per session. Got a little over 500 bears done. Of course I'll switch to white tigers once my summoning level is enough that their furs will be more useful than bear furs.

But that's it for now... back to potioning. Need to get my SR stock up, it's never as low as it is now. So harving for ings now to make those. Probably hit BRs after that and checking my pot shop stock to see if anything needs to be made there.

Going to work on finishing off that next potion level, and as well get my next tailoring level done. After that, most likely more bears for another magic level.

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