Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Engineering and Tailoring, Hand in Hand Again

Got my 3rd batch of S2Es done for the next nexus. Yippee? Heh.

Did a bunch of pot mixing, mostly SRs for stock and sale. Still a way from a level there though.

Hit the gypsum for a while to work on next summon level, but first time I got distracted with real life stuff, and this morning I was in lag hell due to a problem with the net connection so I had to stop... bag mixing and bad lag are a horrible combination.

Decided to hit engineering again. Mainly because I needed saltpeter for tailoring, but also hit the turquoise for more indicators. Ended up leveling making measly ashes for another saltpeter batch...

You advanced to level 48 of engineering!

Engineering Level 48

Feel like I've been running back and forth doing a little bit of everything, depending mostly on my fail rate astro. Eng, Tailoring, and Summoning all require very good astro, so switched to mixing essies and such on low periods... which I started working on for my next magic level.

But harved a lot during the bad period as well, particularly getting water essies done and 30k+ blue star flowers for tailoring.

And today, I finally had the ings to mix another tailoring level...

You advanced to level 34 of tailoring!

Tailoring Level 34

Sweet. Still haven't made anything above blue dyes though.

Anyway, plans didn't go as planned but got some levels anyway. ;) Current plans:

- Harv high level stuff for next harv level (about 17k exp to go for that)

I don't normally go out of my way to work on harv experience anymore, but exceptions when I'm close to a level, hehe.

- Continue bear stones for summon level

- Mix essies for 500 mana drains and radiation shields, go kick grizzlies

- Work on another crafting level

- Final batch of S2Es, then the usual hydro runs and such for my next Nexus buy

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