Saturday, March 28, 2009

Another Harv Day

Was preoccupied, so spent most of yesterday afk-harving. Mostly working on flower supplies for my next batches of creature food and MoPs.

Euro invasion last night, and woah, I participated for the first time in months, hehe. Only for about half of it, but still...

Starting to consider working on gc to start buying nexus. Eventually want to have every possible needed nexus (all-rounders just like it that way), but not wasting any more "overall" pickpoints on them.

I currently need 1 Magic nexus, and need to get 3 more Animal nexus before I eventually switch to the Summon god. The rest would be nice to have but not needed for now.

So 4 nexus I need to stockpile gc for to buy 200 hydro bars. That'll take a while, best think of them only 1 at a time...

Not a rush to get them, so I'm not gonna sell harvables, or at least that won't be the primary income. Most likely BRs/TSs, make batches of S2Es to sell, and moon medallions. That way I'm still working on skills at the same time.

Meanwhile, down to needing a few k each of tulips, dandelions, and poison ivy for my next batch of 2k creature food (need 3.5k food to get my mule up to level 12, so I'll be almost done with this!), and wheat is the primary item left for another batch of MoPs (which I hold to sell to those taking the potion goddess, pretty low priority but like to have them in stock).

Probably finish at least the creature food today, and get some alching done... my HE stock is hitting rock bottom, doh.

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