Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Holy Crap... Third 100+ Skill... Instance, Attack, Defense, OA!

Today was the mother of all days, hehe.

Went into what will be my final 80-100 instance. And finally a profitable one! No bricks lost, with a scythe drop among other things and lots of gc. Sweet.

Bashed on feros for a triple attack, and got my third 100+ skill in the process!

You advanced to level 100 of defense!

Defense Level 100

My third 100+ skill. Attack will be coming next, very soon...

You advanced to level 99 of attack!

Attack Level 99

which was followed shortly by

Your overall level is now 133!

Overall Level 133

'Tis been one heckuva I night, I tells ya. ;)

Meanwhile, the past few days leading up to today saw a lot more feros bashing than usual. As well, started making stock of AEs for future bear mana-draining shenanigans. And I did the god switches I mentioned in the previous entry.

Oh, and during that time I got defense 99 and attack 98. Feels kinda pointless to mention that after the above triple-shot. ;)

Back to mixing tomorrow. Got S2Es to make, got more AEs to make, got bears to mana drain, gotta restock my HEs after all that feros bashing and instance. Plenty to do, heh.

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