Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Ranger and the Harver and the Mule

Ended up spending almost the entire day yesterday harving, grabbing various plants for creature foods and MoPs. Almost got everything needed for 2k food and around 25-30 MoPs.

Stopped a bit to do a little ranging. 3 fill-ups of arrows worth. Got just over 1/4 of the experience needed to level it. Guess it goes without saying that ranging is slow to level. ;)

And finally, for the first time, I actually left the game on overnight shapeshifted as a mule. I'd only been leveling it while doing massive amounts of wine/FP/leather runs before, but still only at level 2. Well, level 3 now, hehe. Out of 13, still a long way to go, and as I'm making my own food, that'll take a while.

- Need to do something of a gc-earning nature today
- another harvest level possible today, tomorrow latest
- definite need for Feran Horns, only got about 1/3 of what I need for MoPs. May have to go kick a few today.