Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rethinking the Gods

(Side note: Kept the game on overnight again, using a load of the creature food I made yesterday to level my mule shapeshifting to level 4.)

Current Gods: Attack, Manu, Potion

My original plan was to eventually replace Potion with Crafting (after reaching at least potion 100), and Manu with Summoning (after reaching top 50 manu). Just got the Attack god so no plans to change it anytime soon.

However, current gameplay has been a bit tricky, gc wise. Training a/d more, which is currently done on Cyclops. That's not a moneymaker, and it is what replaced power-leveling alchemy, which was good money.

Manu is a money loss to level.

Which leaves Potioning to make money. Which, while a decent moneymaker, isn't enough.

Of course, I do other things outside of my god-skills, like the S2E project I'm slowly working on (which is mostly alchemy despite making the S2Es themselves being manu). That's being done solely for the gc.

However, I'd rather have a second god-covered skill that provides gc rather than loses it.

With that in mind, I'm considering dropping the Manu god for the time being, picking him back up later. I haven't had the gc to afford the amount of leather/thread needed to level Manu for a few weeks now, and I'm needing to stockpile gc for other things right now anyway, such as the NMT cloak.

To replace with? The options are Crafting and Summoning. Summoning, at least until I'm up to making stones (and have the Nexus to do so) is a massive gc-sink.

Which leaves Crafting. My calculations indicate that there is at least slight profit making moon medallions, which would be good for leveling as well, even when they're sold to the NPC.

So... Crafting it is. Still just contemplating it, as I want to make sure I really want to do this change of plans before wasting the money on the God quests. But I'm almost certain I'll be taking this route today if I have the items for the crafting quests.