Saturday, April 18, 2009

Server Update looking good...

Working on two things at once atm, stocking coal for an S2E batch as well as stocking for more potioning of course...

Meanwhile, woke up to another server update. Looks to be a good one so far.

1) Summoning gives 3 fluffies, 6 phantoms for the same ingredients as one now.

Good that the stones aren't affected, just real summoning. Keeps such power out of the hands of people who didn't earn it.

Not up to summoning either yet, but some day. ;)

2) Reduced mini harvest events.

Still enough to stop "afk-harving", but the annoyance factor is reduced pretty well. Overall a nice compromise, which makes it a definite improvement.

3) Harv medallion gives 1 in 3 chance that you don't stop harving when you get a mini harvest event.

Very nice. :)

4) Day of Robin Tell

New special day, gives double ranging experience.

I dunno about this. There's only a few spots that are truly useful spots for leveling ranging. This day is gonna mean those few spots will end up nastily overcrowded. Isla Prima may be among them, messing with the newbies trying to get their basic a/d experience there.

It hasn't happened yet, so we'll see. I like having a new day for rangers, just not sure what the results will be.

5) TS potion requires beaver instead of rabbit fur

This was announced and expected. Still hoping the ings for this potion don't keep getting changed like this. No other skill has to put up with guessing "what ing do I need this week?" so it feels very wrong.

Not to mention people normally stock up on ings and make a bunch at once. Stock up on an ing only to find it's been changed with a server update on a whim is going to just end up pissing people off.

Haven't personally made many of these despite my potion level, but still I know others have. Though with any fur it'll never be made as much as it used to be with just flowers.

6) Ranging Arena target adjusted

Did two rounds here, once at night (no visor), once during the day.
Night: avg 9.4 experience per arrow
Day: avg 9.61 experience per arrow

Still not close to the 11-12 experience per arrow average when sitting on NC wall. Only slightly better than before adjustment. Dunno what the real problem is here, but the cost of getting in the arena is enough without the experience itself costing more as well.

I guess if I was in a rush to level ranging I'd use it more. May use it when I've got extra gc to burn on occasion now. But if the target was just "more like a normal puma" without any adjustments it would probably be better.

Overall though, this is a positive server update, and a much welcome one, particularly when it comes to the harv event/medallion changes.

A few other minor changes were made as well, but being my blog I focus only on the ones that (potentially) affect me, hehe.

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